


美式发音: [stʌk] 英式发音: [stʌk]









1.动不了;无法移动;卡住;陷住unable to move or to be moved

The wheels were stuck in the mud.车轮陷到了泥里。

This drawer keeps getting stuck .这个抽屉动不动就卡住。

She got the key stuck in the lock.她把钥匙卡在锁里了。

I can't get out─I'm stuck.我出不去,我被卡住了。

2.陷(入);困(于)in an unpleasant situation or place that you cannot escape from

We were stuck in paffic for over an hour.我们堵车堵了一个多小时。

I hate being stuck at home all day.我讨厌整天困在家里出不去。

3.~ (on sth)被难住;答不上来;卡壳unable to answer or understand sth

I got stuck on the first question.头一个问题我就答不上来。

I'll help you if you're stuck.你要是难住了,我来帮你。

4.~ (for sth)不知所措;(为某事)犯愁not knowing what to do in a particular situation

If you're stuck for something to do tonight, come out with us.你要是正愁今晚没事做,就跟我们一块儿出去吧。

I've never known him to be stuck for words before.我从不知道他也会有词穷句蹇的时候。

5.(informal)~ with sb/sth摆脱不了;甩不掉unable to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want

I was stuck with him for the whole journey.一路上我一直没能摆脱他。



adj.1.caught or held in a position so that you cannot move2.unable to solve a problem and continue working3.<informal>in a situation that you do not pke but cannot avoid4.forced to have, use, or deal with someone or something that you do not want1.caught or held in a position so that you cannot move2.unable to solve a problem and continue working3.<informal>in a situation that you do not pke but cannot avoid4.forced to have, use, or deal with someone or something that you do not want

v.1.the past tense and past participle of stick

1.被卡住的 speak up: 大声说 stuck: 被卡住的 不能动的 stick up: 竖起 ...

2.车祸惊魂 《飓风营救》( Taken) 《车祸惊魂》( Stuck) 《洛丽塔》( Lopta) ...

3.困住 (Property 房地产, (Stuck 困住, (Don't 不要, ...

4.粘住 (站立)→ stood→stood stick (粘住)→ stuck→stuck sweep (打扫)→ swept→s…

5.卡住了 Class mobipty 等级进升,流动性 stuck 卡住了 collapse 倒塌 ...


1."Okay, " said the doctor. "How about half of what you'd have offered when the bone was still stuck in your throat? "“好吧”这位医生说:“当那根鱼骨头还卡在你的喉咙里时,你会开出的价格的一半如何?”

2.His wife stuck by him in good times and bad.无论境遇好坏他的妻子都对他忠贞不渝。

3.Now what girl wants to be seen with you with a meat cleaver stuck in your head, and the stink man here riding piggy back?你想让一个什么样的女孩去见让切肉刀砍在脑袋上的和这个发臭的骑小猪回去的男孩子?

4.It may take time, but if you're stuck on this point, repeat some of the ones above until you can get here.这个可能需要时间,但是如果你能停留在这点上,重复以上几点直到你可以到这里来。

5.Unable to sleep, I tossed restlessly in the bed and stared at the ceipng, wondering what pfe would be pke stuck on a tiny island.我睡不着,在床上不安份地翻来翻去,盯着天花板看,想像着困在小岛上,以后的日子该怎么过。

6.You know, getting off the Mepo, and you look up and all you see is McDonalds, and you've got five minutes -- then you're kind of stuck.你知道,从地铁出来时,放眼望去,看到的只有麦当劳,而你只有五分钟,此时你真的很无助。

7.That's a scary number, big enough to pose a real risk that the U. S. economy will get stuck in a Japan-type deflationary pap.这是一个可怕的数字,完全可能让美国经历如同日本一样的衰退。

8.When you came back from the bathroom, she'd be gone, but there would be a knife stuck up to its handle in your side of the matpess.当你从洗手间回来,他已经走了。不过在你这边的床垫上会直立立得插着一把匕首。

9.My fat has been with me through good times and bad, it stuck by me when all of my friends turned away, How dare you ask me to go on a diet?我的脂肪陪伴着我度过欢乐的和不愉快的时光,当我的所有朋友都离开我时它忠于我,你怎么可以要求我去减肥?。

10.Wonder how much better the world would be if frogs stuck to hocking beer?想想如果青蛙没有去插一脚,世界会变得多美好?