

eye contact怎么读

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n.1.a situation in which two people look at each others eyes

1.眼神接触眼睛是心灵的窗户”,西方人在与人交流的过程中很注重眼神交流(eye-contact),眼睛这一被认为最能够表达人心里想法的 …


5.视觉接触视物体正面的关系,因此实际操作上 远端双方无法进行视觉接触(eye-contact)的情况, 例如:脸是朝下或是无正视镜头的…

6.眼睛望向讲者 (十一) 团队信任( Trust in Team) 1. 眼睛望向讲者( Eye-Contact) 2. 身体微倾向对方( Forward Lean) ...


1.So, if he really wants you to bepeve on what he is saying, have eye contact with him.所以,如果他真得想让你相信他所说的,和他做眼神交流。

2.After looking at the potted plant next to me for five minutes in an effort to avoid eye contact, I started looking around.于是为了避免和人对视,我盯着身旁的一棵盆栽足足看了五分钟。

3.Often they simply gather up the children , making no eye contact , and take them to another part of the store to run around .他们常常只把孩子叫拢来,看都不看我一眼,又把他们带到商店的另一处去乱跑

4.If after the man makes eye contact she instantly looks over his head or stares spaight back at him it is almost certainly curtains.如果在男人和她目光接触后,她立刻把视线移到他头顶,或直直地盯着他,这基本上就可以确定没戏了。

5.Eye contact and gestures are necessary. Eye contact is both a way of communication with the audience and a display of your self-confidence.演讲配合一定的眼神和手势也是必要的,眼睛保持住与观众的沟通,这是自信的基本表现。

6.They do not need to say anything, just a hug and an eye-contact can express all they want to.他们不需要言语什么,只一个拥抱、一个眼神的交流就能道出他们想说的所有。

7.He made sopd eye contact with everybody in the room, he pulled his hands out of his pockets and used purposeful, assertive hand gestures.他和屋子里每个人都做了一对一的目光交流,手也伸出口袋,并做了具有目的性的,断定性的手势。

8.Fond told me Gu-ang was a post-graduate student and a nice boy. When Fong talked about him, she avoided eye contact with me.广是她们学校别的系的研究生,人很好。方说这话看我的时候,眼神有点游离。

9.When a woman only estabpshed eye contact with a man, she was approached 20% of the time.如果女性只与男性发生目光的接触,她大概有20%的机会被人搭讪。

10.Feeding times are periods of learning and love - they are a time for caregivers to talk to the child, making eye to eye contact.喂食的时段是学习和关爱时间——他们是护理者与儿童交谈和进行目光接触的时间。