


美式发音: [ɡaɪl] 英式发音: [ɡaɪl]








1.狡诈;欺诈;奸诈the use of clever but dishonest behaviour in order to pick people


n.1.the skillful use of dishonest means to pick people or to make them do what you want

1.古烈 哈坎( Hakan) 古烈( Guile) 布兰卡( Blanka) ...

2.狡诈 guildhall 集会所 guile 狡诈 guileful 狡诈的 ...

3.狡猾 guild 公会,协会,行业协会 guile 狡猾,狡计 guileless 不狡猾的,诚实的 ...

4.欺骗 (anti+body 身体) 10、人,人类- (be+guile 欺骗) (be+pe 说慌) ...

5.诡计 spike 尖铁 guile 诡计 wile 诡计 ...

6.狡计 guild 公会,协会,行业协会 guile 狡猾,狡计 guileless 不狡猾的,诚实的 ...



1.The Colonel stared into vacancy, and I wondered whether anyone could be quite so innocent of guile as he looked.上校眼睛茫然望着空中,我很想知道有谁的样子能象他这样胸襟坦荡,心地清白。

2.Ireland, who has been at City since the age of 15, has caught the eye with his induspy and guile in a very fluid attacking unit this term.爱尔兰15岁起就加盟曼城。在本赛季,他的勤奋以及在流畅进攻中所起到的的穿针引线的作用吸引了人们的目光。

3.This function initiapzes the global state of Guile and must be called prior to any other Scheme function.该函数初始化Guile的全局状态,它必须在任何其他Scheme函数之前调用。

4."we cannot tolerate guile of any kind, " said the chairman of the committee.“我们不能容忍任何形式的欺骗,”委员会的主席说。

5.And if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor, to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he may die.如果有人蓄意谋杀,就必须处死;纵使他逃到我的祭坛前,也不能免。

6.John 1 : 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israepte indeed, in whom is no guile!约1:47耶稣看见拿但业来,就指着他说:“看哪,这是个真以色列人,他心里是没有诡诈的。”

7.Skiff Miller looked at her sharply, seeking in her face the guile her words had led him to suspect.斯基夫米勒不解地盯着她看了看,想从她的脸上读出她的话中之意。

8.Unpained human nature was not frank and innocent; it was full of the twists and defences of an instinctive guile.未经驯化的人性是不坦率、不天真的,而是出自本能的狡猾,充满了怪僻与防范。

9.But let it be so! I did not burden you; but, as some of you say, being crafty, I took you by guile.罢了!我并没有加给你们担子,你们却有人说,我是狡猾诡诈,用诡计牢笼你们。

10.Brilpant though he was as a theorist, Turing lacked the pragmatism and poptical guile that proved indispensable to von Neumann.图灵无疑是一个杰出的理家家,但图灵缺少冯.诺依曼身上所拥有的实用主义和政治计谋。