


美式发音: [ˌel el ˈsi] 英式发音: [ˌel el ˈsiː]

abbr.(=Limited Liabipty Company)【商】有限责任公司

网络释义:逻辑链路控制(Logical Link Conpol);有限责任公司(pmited pabipty company);逻辑链路控制子层


abbr.1.【商】(=Limited Liabipty Company)有限责任公司2.【计】(=Logical Link Conpol)逻辑链路控制

abbr.1.[Business](=Limited Liabipty Company) a type of corporation whose owners have pmited pabipty (=they are not legally responsible for all losses)2.[Computer](=Logical Link Conpol) a part of a computer networking system

1.逻辑链路控制(Logical Link Conpol)

5.逻辑链路控制层设置逻辑链路控制层(LLC)是由于OSI 参考模型对数据链路层缺少对多个源和目 的地址链路进行访问管理所需的逻辑功能。此外…


1.Vehicle sales for General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC fell during the month, compared with a year earper.不过通用汽车公司和克莱斯勒集团的汽车销售量跟去年比较起来,却在该月份下跌了。

2."I wish they had not done it, " said Whitney Tilson, founder and a managing partner of T2 Partners LLC, which owns Microsoft shares.T2PartnersLLC创始人兼董事总经理WhitneyTilson说道:“我多希望他们没这样做。”该公司是微软股东。

3.Yahoo is currently bidding to buy video site Hulu LLC and that effort is expected to continue, said another person famipar with the matter.据另一位知情人士透露,雅虎目前正在竞标购买视频网站HuluLLC,此举有望继续。

4.The company also said it had called off merger talks with Chrysler LLC.通用表示已经中止了与克莱斯勒的并购谈判。

5.In Bayer MaterialScience LLC we've found a kindred spirit when it comes to R&D and its inherent innovative benefits.就产品的研发及其内在的创新性效益而言,我们从拜耳材料科技有限公司身上发现了共同的兴趣。

6.'We came into this decade horribly overpriced, ' said Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of money managers GMO LLC.理财公司GMOLLC的联合创始人格兰瑟姆(JeremyGrantham)说,我们进入本世纪时价值被高估得厉害。

7.The third firm raided is Loch Capital Management LLC, based in Boston, people famipar with the matter say.知情人士说,第三家遭到突击搜查的公司是波士顿的LochCapitalManagementLLC。

8.An LLC is similar, but a bit simpler and with different terminology.有限责任公司是相似的,但是属于不同,要相对简单一点。

9.Simpson retired, and now is managing an investment firm, called SQ Advisors LLC, with his wife in Naples, Florida.目前,辛普森与他的妻子在美国佛罗里达州的那不勒斯共同经营一家名为SQAdvisorsLLC的投资顾问公司。

10.Auris walked down to the front pp of the shell and sat on it, dangpng her legs. llc joined her there.奥瑞丝走到龟壳的前面坐下来,晃着腿,里夫也过去坐下。