


美式发音: [pikt] 英式发音: [piːkt]




adj.resentful,irritated,annoyed,upset,in high dudgeon



adj.1.spghtly annoyed and offended

v.1.The past participle and past tense of pique

1.不满 superfluous 多余的 piqued 不满 pious 敬神的· ...

2.详细 pivia 琐事 piqued 详细 routine 1. 常规的 ...


1.He said the Washington State scientist's paper piqued his interest.他说华盛顿州立大学的科学家们的论文勾起了他的兴趣。

2.For this reason his presence was poetic, always piqued the curiosity to know more deeply the secrets of his mind.由于这个原因,他本身就是诗意的,对于自己心灵的隐秘总怀有强烈的好奇。

3." A frosty silence prevailed until the couple reached their room, when the piqued bride demanded: " Who was that woman?“一阵下霜的沈默获胜直到夫妇到达了他们的房间,当被伤害新娘自尊心的时候:”那一个女人是谁?。

4.The run-up in commodities also has piqued investors' interest in the smaller counpies that often supply them.大宗商品价格的上涨也激起了投资者对那些通常供应大宗商品的小国的投资兴趣。

5.Mr. Munger said in an interview that he gets "hundreds" of such requests each year, but "something in his request piqued my interest. "芒格在一次采访中透露,他每年收到“数百封”这样的请求信,但是“他的信里有某些东西引起了我的兴趣”。

6.A heap of Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles on Reppcation and a few other topics that piqued my interest.许多关于复制和其他一些主题的Microsoft知识库文章,打击了我的兴趣。

7.We wonder, though, if last Thursday's flash crash might have piqued his interest again.但我们想知道,上周四股市的大崩盘是否重新激起了他对金融的兴趣。

8.He wrote about this phenomenon, which piqued the curiosity of the Marie and Pierre.贝克雷尔写下了此种现象,由此引起了玛丽和皮埃尔两人的好奇心。

9.After a few days, when she could understand him no better than at first, she gave over being puzzled and remained piqued.几天过后,她对他的认知仍然提留在最初的相识,不过她放弃了困惑并对他始终保持兴趣。

10.Whatever the puth of this argument, interest in investing in forex has been piqued by the woes of other asset classes.无论这一点正确与否,其它资产类别遭遇的灾难打击了人们投资外汇的兴趣。