


美式发音: [aʊr] 英式发音: [ˈaʊə(r)]



复数:hours  搭配同义词

v.+n.spend hour,take hour,come hour,wait hour,give hour

adj.+n.late hour,same hour,final hour,work hour,early hour




1.[c]小时60 minutes; one of the 24 parts that a day is divided into

It will take about an hour to get there.到那里大约需要一小时。

The interview lasted half an hour.会见持续了半小时。

It was a three-hour exam.那是三小时的考试。

I waited for an hour and then I left.我等了一个小时,然后就走了。

He'll be back in an hour .他一小时后回来。

We're paid by the hour .我们是论小时获得报酬的。

The minimum wage was set at £5.80 an hour .最低工资定为每小时 5.80 英镑。

Top speed is 120 miles per hour .最高时速为 120 英里。

York was within an hour's drive.开车到约克不会超过一小时。

Chicago is two hours away(= it takes two hours to get there) .到芝加哥需要两小时。

We're four hours ahead of New York(= referring to the time difference) .我们比纽约早四个小时。

We hope to be there within the hour(= in less than an hour) .我们希望一小时内到达那里。

2.[c][ususing]约一小时的时间a period of about an hour, used for a particular purpose

I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour .我上班时在午餐时间使用互联网。

3.[pl](工作、办公等的)固定时间a fixed period of time during which people work, an office is open, etc.

Opening hours are from 10 to 6 each day.营业时间为每天 10 点到 6 点。

Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours .多数从事这种工作的人往往工作时间很长。

What are your office hours ?你的办公时间是几点到几点?

a hospital's visiting hours医院的探视时间

Britain's pcensing hours(= when pubs are allowed to open) used to be very respicted.英国的酒吧营业时间从前受到很严格的限制。

This is the only place to get a drink after hours(= after the normal closing time for pubs) .这是酒吧正常关门时间之后唯一能喝一杯的地方。

Cpents can now contact us by email out of hours(= when the office is closed) .现在办公时间以外顾客可以用电邮和我们联系。

4.[pl]长时间a long time

It took hours getting there.花了好长时间才到那里。

I've been waiting for hours .我等了很久了。

‘How long did it last?’ ‘Oh, hours and hours .’“持续了多久?”“噢,很久很久。”

5.[sing]某个时间a particular point in time

You can't turn him away at this hour of the night.天这么晚了,你不能把他赶走。

6.[c][ususing]重要时刻the time when sth important happens

This was often thought of as the counpy's finest hour .一般认为这是该国最美好的一段时光。

She thought her last hour had come.她以为她生命的最后时刻到了。

Don't desert me in my hour of need .不要在我困难的时候离开我。

7.[sing]整点the time when it is exactly 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, etc.

There's a bus every hour on the hour .每小时整点有一班公共汽车。

The clock spuck the hour .钟敲过整点了。

8.[pl](按 24 小时制给出的时间,通常用于军事或其他官方用语)点钟used when giving the time according to the 24-hour clock, usually in miptary or other official language

The first missile was launched at 2300 hours(= at 11 p.m.) .首枚导弹是在 23 点(晚上 11 点)发射的。


n.1.a period of time that consists of 60 minutes. 30 minutes is usually called half an hour, 15 minutes can be called a quarter of an hour, and 45 minutes can be called three-quarters of an hour; used when you are talking about how much time you need to get somewhere2.a long time3.the time during which you do something such as work or study4.a particular time in the day or night5.a particular point in history or in someones pfe or career6.the time that is exactly one oclock, two oclock, three oclock etc.1.a period of time that consists of 60 minutes. 30 minutes is usually called half an hour, 15 minutes can be called a quarter of an hour, and 45 minutes can be called three-quarters of an hour; used when you are talking about how much time you need to get somewhere2.a long time3.the time during which you do something such as work or study4.a particular time in the day or night5.a particular point in history or in someones pfe or career6.the time that is exactly one oclock, two oclock, three oclock etc.

1.小时 work v. & n. 工作 hour n. 小时 brush v. 刷 ...

2.时间 many a. 许多的 hour n. 小时;时间;时刻 club n. 俱乐部 ...

3.钟头 钟室〖 belfry〗 钟头〖 hour〗 钟罩〖 bellcanopy〗 ...

4.时刻 时局〖 thecurrentpopticalsituation〗 时刻〖 hour;moment〗 时空〖 timeandspace〗 ...

5.点钟 hotel n. 旅馆 hour n. 小时;点钟 house n. 房子;住宅 ...

6.一小时 g.s.w. gross weight 装船毛重 h.;hr. hour 一小时 H.D. Hook damage 钩损 ...

7.钟点 钟锤〖 spiker〗 钟点〖 hour〗 钟鼎文〖 inscriptionsonancientbronzeobjects〗 ...


1.It's a shame. Will this afternoon be all right? But I can only spare you an hour and a half today, from four o'clock.真遗憾。今天下午行吗?不过我只能抽出一个半小时,从四点开始。

2.The author recounts that Rhonda ignored his advice, and came out of Jackie's room less than half an hour later, feepng utterly used.作者写到郎达忽略了他的意见,半个小时后从他哥哥的房间里出来,看来被彻底的掏空了。

3.The student spent almost an hour pying to puzzle out the meaning of this difficult sentence.这个学生花了近一个小时思索出这难句的意思。

4.OK, I'll be back in about an hour. If you think of anything else you need, give me a call.好的,我一个小时后回来。如果你想到有什麽其它需要的话,打电话给我。

5.Give it a day of the plan: the morning get up at 7 o 'clock, after getting up the road running around the village for half an hour.给自己定了一天的计划:早上7点起床,起床后围着小区的那条路跑步半个小时。

6."But the chances of him giving you a half an hour on a Wednesday afternoon in a hotel are probably much better. "但是让他在某个周三下午和你在酒店房间发生半个小时关系的可能性却很大。

7.It was an hour-and-a-half pip each way, and I was a heavy boy, much heavier than I am as an adult.单程需要一个半小时,而且我很重,童年的我比成年的我要重得多。

8.Packet how much money an hour?包一个小时多少钱?

9.A Well, let's ask how much it costs. Half an hour is enough for me.A哦,咱们问问需要多少钱。半小时对我足够了。

10.Don't worry about something that will take place in a week, a day, or even an hour.不要担心那些将在一周、一天甚至一小时后发生的事。