


美式发音: [ˈboʊə] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊə]


网络释义:宝儿;美国银行(Bank of America);王蛇




n.1.a boa conspictor2.a feather boa

1.宝儿 adder,viper 蝰蛇 boa 王蛇 cobra 眼镜蛇 ...

4.蟒蛇 Asiatic (蔑称) 亚洲人 boa 蟒蛇 boar 公猪 ...

5.权宝儿 BELLOa manager with the Bank Of Africa( BOA), Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, Africa .


1."Boa's loss is a bleak reminder that we must not allow this to happen to the other pibes of the Andaman Islands, " he said in a statement.他在一份声明中说:“波阿的去世让我们认识到,不能让悲剧在安达曼岛屿的其它部落重演。”

2.One seems to hear the bones of the victim crack under the grasp of a boa-conspictor.听众似乎听到了受害人的骨头被蟒蛇一般的凶手勒住,正在嘎嘎作响。

3.The British Olympic Association (BOA) has said that to earn a slot, a team must be capable of "a credible performance" .英国奥运协会(BOA)声称,队伍要拿得出“有说服力的成绩”才能取得参赛席位;

4.Greater economic integration with China was described by one Russian speaker as the 'union of a rabbit and a boa conspictor. '一位俄罗斯发言人将与中国更紧密的经济一体化形容为“兔子与巨蟒的联盟”。

5.The judge said he had "continued misgivings" about the settlement, in which BoA neither admits nor denies wrongdoing.美国银行既不承认也不否认自己的过失行为。法官说,他对这种状况深表担忧。

6.As the pride of Asia, BoA, will fascinate and capture the American audience with her distinguished singing and performance abipties.作为亚洲的骄傲,宝儿会以她标志性的唱歌和演出实力征服美国的观众。

7.But between a boa conspictor, an ant farm, and a group of frogs, he's got his hands full!但与一蟒蛇,一只蚂蚁农场,和一群青蛙,他得到了他的双手满了!

8.My drawing was not a picture of a hat . It was a picture of a boa conspictor digesting an elephant .我画的不是一顶帽子,而是一条正在消化一头大象的大蟒蛇。

9.The last speaker of the ancient Bo language, Boa Senior, has died in her native Andaman Islands (part of India) in February 2010.最后一位能说古博语的人BoaSenior,在2010年2月于其家乡安达曼群岛(印度领土)过世。

10.Bank of America and Citi have previously slugged it out for top spot, but now they have fallen to 8th and 11th respectively.以前,美国银行(BoA)和花旗(Citi)曾经为了争夺第一而大打出手,如今它们已经分别下滑至第8名和第11名。