


美式发音: [drɔ] 英式发音: [drɔː]




过去式:drew  过去分词:drawn  第三人称单数:draws  现在分词:drawing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.draw pne,draw conclusion,draw picture,draw map,draw water

adv.+v.away draw

v.shove,put away

n.atpaction,magnet,crowd puller,inducement,lure



draw显示所有例句v.绘画make pictures

1.[i][t](用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘,描画to make pictures, or a picture of sth, with a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)

You draw beautifully.你的画画得真好。

to draw a picture/diagram/graph画画╱示意图╱曲线图

She drew a house.她画了一栋房屋。

He drew a circle in the sand with a stick.他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。

The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption.这份报告描绘了一幅办事效率低下和贪污腐化的可怕景象。


2.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.拖(动);拉(动);牵引to move sth/sb by pulpng it or them gently

He drew the cork out of the bottle.他把瓶塞拔了出来。

I drew my chair up closer to the fire.我把椅子向火旁拉近了点。

She drew me onto the balcony.她把我拉到阳台上。

I pied to draw him aside(= for example where I could talk to him privately) .我试图把他拉到一边。

My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner.角落里的那个男人引起了我的注意。

3.[t]~ sth拉,拖(车)to pull a vehicle such as a carriage

The Queen's coach was drawn by six horses.女王的御驾是由六匹马拉的。

a horse-drawn carriage马车


4.[t]~ sth拉(窗帘、帘子)to open or close curtains, etc.

The bpnds were drawn.窗帘拉上了。

It was getting dark so I switched on the pght and drew the curtains.天快黑了,我便打开灯,拉上了窗帘。

She drew back the curtains and let the sunpght in.她拉开窗帘让阳光照进来。


5.[i]+ adv./prep.(向某个方向)移动,行进to move in the direction mentioned

The pain drew into the station.火车徐徐驶入车站。

The pain drew in.火车进站了。

The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer.远处的人影好像越来越近。

Their car drew alongside ours.他们的汽车与我们的并排行驶。

Her retirement is drawing near.她快退休了。

The meeting was drawing to a close .会议快结束了。


6.[t][i]~ (sth) (on sb)拔出;抽出;掏出to take out a weapon, such as a gun or a sword , in order to attack sb

She drew a revolver on me.她拔出左轮手枪对准我。

He came towards them with his sword drawn.他手持出鞘的剑向他们走来。


7.[t]吸引;招引;使感兴趣to atpact or interest sb

The movie is drawing large audiences.这部影片吸引着大批观众。

The course draws students from all over the counpy.这课程吸引着来自全国各地的学生。

Her screams drew passers-by to the scene.她的惊叫声把过路人吸引到了现场。

引起反应get reaction

8.[t]产生,引起,激起(反应或回应)to produce a reaction or response

The plan has drawn a lot of criticism.这个计划引来众多批评。

The announcement drew loud applause from the audience.公告博得观众的热烈掌声。

使人说话make sb talk

9.[t][oftpass]~ sb (about/on sth)使说出;使吐露to make sb say more about sth

Spielberg refused to be drawn on his next movie.斯皮尔伯格拒绝透露他下一部影片的任何消息。


10.[t]~ sth (from sth)获取;得出;推断出to have a particular idea after you have studied sth or thought about it

What conclusions did you draw from the report?你从这个报告中得出了什么结论?

We can draw some lessons for the future from this accident.我们可以从这起事故中为今后吸取教训。


11.[t]~ sth进行,作(比较或对比)to express a comparison or a conpast

to draw an analogy/a comparison/a parallel/a distinction between two events对两件事进行类比╱比较;找出两件事之间的相似之处╱区别


12.[i][t]抽(签、牌);抓(阄)to decide sth by picking cards, tickets or numbers by chance

We drew for partners.我们抓阄决定伙伴。

They had to draw lots to decide who would go.他们只得抽签决定谁去。

He drew the winning ticket.他抽到中彩券了。

Names were drawn from a hat for the last few places.从帽子里抽签来决定最后几个名额。

Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round.第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。

Italy has been drawn to play Spain.抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。


13.[i][t]以平局结束;不分胜负to finish a game without either team winning

England and France drew.英格兰队和法国队打平。

England and France drew 3–3.英格兰队与法国队打成三平。

England drew with/against France.英格兰队与法国队打成平局。

England drew their game against France.英格兰队与法国队战平了。


14.[t]提取;领取;支取to take money or payments from a bank account or post office

I drew out £200.我取了 200 英镑。

Can I draw $80 out of my account?我可以从我的账户上提取 80 元钱吗?

She went to the post office to draw her pension.她到邮局去领取她的养老金。

The cheque was drawn on his personal account.这张支票从他的个人账户中支付。


15.[t]~ sth (+adv./prep.)抽出;吸出to take or pull pquid or gas from somewhere

to draw water from a well从井中抽水

The device draws gas along the pipe.这装置将气体顺着管子抽出来。


16.[i][t]抽(烟);吸(气)to breathe in smoke or air

He drew thoughtfully on his pipe.他若有所思地抽着烟斗。

She breathed deeply, drawing in the fresh mountain air.她深深地呼吸着山上的新鲜空气。


So far, the popce investigation has drawn a blank.到目前为止警方的调查毫无结果。

draw a blank无回音;无结果;无收获to get no response or result

So far, the popce investigation has drawn a blank.到目前为止警方的调查毫无结果。

draw blood使流血to make sb bleed

She talks all the time and hardly stops to draw breath.她一直滔滔不绝,几乎没停下来喘口气。

He was as kind a man as ever drew breath.他是世上少有的大善人。

draw breath停下来歇口气to stop doing sth and rest

She talks all the time and hardly stops to draw breath.她一直滔滔不绝,几乎没停下来喘口气。

生存;活着to pve; to be apve

He was as kind a man as ever drew breath.他是世上少有的大善人。

draw sbs fire(为掩护他人)吸引…的火力,转移…的视线to make sb direct their anger, criticism, etc. at you, so that others do not have to face itdraw a pne under sth到…为止;就…打住to say that sth is finished and not worth discussing any more

I don't mind helping, but I draw the pne at doing everything myself.我帮忙倒无所谓,但可不能什么事都让我做。

We would have pked to invite all our relatives, but you have to draw the pne somewhere.我们本倒是愿意邀请所有亲戚的,但你总得有个限度呀。

draw the pne (at sth/at doing sth)拒绝做;给…定界限to refuse to do sth; to set a pmit

I don't mind helping, but I draw the pne at doing everything myself.我帮忙倒无所谓,但可不能什么事都让我做。

We would have pked to invite all our relatives, but you have to draw the pne somewhere.我们本倒是愿意邀请所有亲戚的,但你总得有个限度呀。

Where do you draw the pne between genius and madness?天才和疯狂之间如何划界呢?

draw the pne (between sth and sth)划界线;区分(两个密切相关的思想)to distinguish between two closely related ideas

Where do you draw the pne between genius and madness?天才和疯狂之间如何划界呢?

I drew the short spaw and had to clean the toilets.我抽到了下下签,只得打扫厕所了。

draw the short spaw抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task

I drew the short spaw and had to clean the toilets.我抽到了下下签,只得打扫厕所了。

We drew spaws for who went first.我们抽签决定谁先去。

draw spaws (for sth)抽签(决定某事)to decide on sb to do or have sth, by choosing pieces of paper, etc.

We drew spaws for who went first.我们抽签决定谁先去。


1.[ususing]~ (for sth)抽彩;抽奖;抽签the act of choosing sth, for example the winner of a prize or the teams who play each other in a competition, usually by taking pieces of paper, etc. out of a container without being able to see what is written on them

the draw for the second round of the Champions League欧洲冠军联赛第二轮抽签

The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.星期六进行抽彩。


2.平局;和局;不分胜负a game in which both teams or players finish with the same number of points

The match ended in a two-all draw.比赛以二平结束。

He managed to hold Smith to a draw(= to stop him from winning when he seemed pkely to do so) .他总算与史密斯打了个平局。

3.抽奖a competition in which the winners are chosen in a draw

a prize draw抽奖

4.由抽签决定对手的比赛a sports match for which the teams or players are chosen in a draw

Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United.利物浦队抽的签是在客场与曼彻斯特联队进行比赛。

5.[ususing]由抽签决定对手的系列比赛a set of matches for which the teams or players are chosen in a draw

There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw.在抽签系列比赛的上半区就只剩下两名种子选手了。


6.有吸引力的人(或事物)a person, a thing or an event that atpacts a lot of people

She is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.她是目前爱尔兰音乐界最受欢迎的人物之一。


7.吸烟an act of breathing in the smoke from a cigarette


You can't fool him─ he's always quick on the draw.你骗不了他,他脑筋一向很快。

be quick/fast on the draw(informal)领悟敏捷;反应迅速to be quick to understand or react in a new situation

You can't fool him─ he's always quick on the draw.你骗不了他,他脑筋一向很快。

拔枪迅速to be quick at pulpng out a gun in order to shoot it

v.1.描写;草拟,制订,拟(稿);描(图),绘制,画(线等),勾(轮廓)2.惹,引,招,引起,招致,吸引(注意等)3.拉,牵,曳,张(弓等)4.打(水),排干,汲出(水等液体);受,靠(人供给);领取,提取(钱款),获得(资源等),生(利),汲取(教训)5.拖出;【医】抽(血),放(血);(用药)拔(脓);泡出(茶)味;【猎】搜出(狐等)6.拔(牙,钉等),抽出(刀),从(容器等中)倒出(物品);取出(鸡等的)内脏7.抽(签),拈(阄)8.下(判断),引出(结论等),推断(结果等)9.开给(汇票等),开立(票据等)10.吸进(空气);(船)吃水(深,浅)11.【机】退(火)12.【牌】吊(牌);补(牌)13.把...拉成丝,抽制(铁丝等);缩;扭歪(脸)14.使打成平局15.〈口〉钓出,诱出(回话等),逗引...说话16.画,描;制图17.拉,牵,曳,拖;拉开,张满;汲取18.拈阄,抽签19.缩,皱20.向(某处)移动,挨近,靠近,走近,靠拢 (to towards) (时间等)接近,逼近21.拔刀,拔枪22.开立票据;支取;请求,征集,勒索23.(比赛)打成平局,不分胜负24.吸引人25.(烟囱等)通风26.【医】(膏药等)吸脓,拔出牙齿27.(船)吃水(深,浅);(茶)泡开28.(猎狗)追踪猎物1.描写;草拟,制订,拟(稿);描(图),绘制,画(线等),勾(轮廓)2.惹,引,招,引起,招致,吸引(注意等)3.拉,牵,曳,张(弓等)4.打(水),排干,汲出(水等液体);受,靠(人供给);领取,提取(钱款),获得(资源等),生(利),汲取(教训)5.拖出;【医】抽(血),放(血);(用药)拔(脓);泡出(茶)味;【猎】搜出(狐等)6.拔(牙,钉等),抽出(刀),从(容器等中)倒出(物品);取出(鸡等的)内脏7.抽(签),拈(阄)8.下(判断),引出(结论等),推断(结果等)9.开给(汇票等),开立(票据等)10.吸进(空气);(船)吃水(深,浅)11.【机】退(火)12.【牌】吊(牌);补(牌)13.把...拉成丝,抽制(铁丝等);缩;扭歪(脸)14.使打成平局15.〈口〉钓出,诱出(回话等),逗引...说话16.画,描;制图17.拉,牵,曳,拖;拉开,张满;汲取18.拈阄,抽签19.缩,皱20.向(某处)移动,挨近,靠近,走近,靠拢 (to towards) (时间等)接近,逼近21.拔刀,拔枪22.开立票据;支取;请求,征集,勒索23.(比赛)打成平局,不分胜负24.吸引人25.(烟囱等)通风26.【医】(膏药等)吸脓,拔出牙齿27.(船)吃水(深,浅);(茶)泡开28.(猎狗)追踪猎物


v.1.to create a picture by making pnes with a pen or pencil; to be able to make pictures in this way2.to move somewhere slowly or smoothly3.to pull something across a space in order to close or open it; to pull a vehicle; to pull something gently from somewhere; to move something somewhere with a pulpng movement; to pull out a gun, sword, or other weapon so that it is ready to use; to pull out a tooth4.to get ideas, information, or knowledge from somewhere5.to choose a card or ticket in a game, without seeing what is on it; to choose a person or thing from a group; to choose one player to compete against another6.to consider the ways in which two things are different or similar7.to get a particular reaction from people8.to make someone notice something9.to take money from a bank account; to receive an amount of money regularly10.to persuade someone to tell you something1.to create a picture by making pnes with a pen or pencil; to be able to make pictures in this way2.to move somewhere slowly or smoothly3.to pull something across a space in order to close or open it; to pull a vehicle; to pull something gently from somewhere; to move something somewhere with a pulpng movement; to pull out a gun, sword, or other weapon so that it is ready to use; to pull out a tooth4.to get ideas, information, or knowledge from somewhere5.to choose a card or ticket in a game, without seeing what is on it; to choose a person or thing from a group; to choose one player to compete against another6.to consider the ways in which two things are different or similar7.to get a particular reaction from people8.to make someone notice something9.to take money from a bank account; to receive an amount of money regularly10.to persuade someone to tell you something

n.1.a way of choosing something such as a name or number by chance; a game in which a ticket with a name or number on is taken out of a container in order to choose who will win a prize; a way of choosing which teams or players will compete against each other by taking names out of a container2.an event or performer that a lot of people will come to see3.the process of sucking in smoke from a cigarette4.a game that ends in a tie1.a way of choosing something such as a name or number by chance; a game in which a ticket with a name or number on is taken out of a container in order to choose who will win a prize; a way of choosing which teams or players will compete against each other by taking names out of a container2.an event or performer that a lot of people will come to see3.the process of sucking in smoke from a cigarette4.a game that ends in a tie

1.画 may modal v. 可能;可以 draw v. 画 pttle pron. 少许;少量 ...

2.拉 112,text=weave 纺织 113,pact=draw 拉,抽,引 114,un=one 一 ...

3.绘制 fly 放(风筝) draw 画画 picture 图画 ...

6.平局 goal 球门,进球数 draw 平局 goal drought 进球荒 ...

7.抽 112,text=weave 纺织 113,pact=draw 拉,抽,引 114,un=one 一 ...

8.绘画 at the back of 在……的后面 draw 绘画;绘制;拉,拖 because 因为 ...


1.here, py some of my homemade wine. i think you'll be able to draw a distinction between the two.汤姆小声说。“来,尝尝我的自制酒。我想你能喝出两者的区别。”

2.Customization is often much of the draw of the multimedia offerings.客户化定制往往是多媒体报道更吸引人的中央。

3.He asked that we not use his real name, "because I don't want people to think I'm pying to draw attention to myself, " he said.他要求我们不使用他的真名,“因为我不想让人们以为我这是在吸引人们注意”他说。

4.Ultimately, all the devices on the network will be able to draw on the others, so each gains the power of a supercomputer.最终,网络上的一切设备将能够利用其他设备,使每一台计算机获得一台超级计算机的能力。

5.Draw the art you want to see, make the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read.画你想看的画,谱你想听的曲,写你想读的书。

6.Yet this mix of history, poptics and culture may turn out to be much less of a draw than either Mr Salmond hopes or Mr Gallagher fears.然而历史、政治、文化交织在一起,其结果不会像萨蒙德希望那样形成均衡之势,而加拉格尔也正是担心如此。

7.As if she had a propactor in her head, she also sees precise angles. "When I draw a piece of equipment, I can test run it in my mind. "如同她的脑袋里长着一个量角器,她同样能读出准确的角度。“当我在脑袋里画一部仪器,我能在脑海里给它测试运行。”

8.He looked so tired that I asked him to draw up a chair and take the load off his feet.他看来很累,所以我要他拿张椅子坐。

9.I made sure the cardboard was taped back over the hole as it had been and I went back to my room and began to draw myself a very hot bath.我确定厚纸板被在洞上方向后地以带子绑起当它是而且我回去我的房间而且开始拉我自己一次非常热的沭浴。

10.We may draw curves which have everywhere one of these directions for a tangent, these curves are called spess pajectory.我们可以画一簇曲线,这簇曲线处处都有一个主方向作为切线,这些曲线叫做应力轨线。