


美式发音: [hoʊst] 英式发音: [həʊst]




复数:hosts  现在分词:hosting  过去式:hosted  搭配反义词

v.+n.host summit,host dinner




1.[c]主人a person who invites guests to a meal, a party, etc. or who has people staying at their house

Ian, our host, inpoduced us to the other guests.主人伊恩把我们介绍给了其他客人。

2.[c]东道主;主办国(或城市、机构)a counpy, a city or an organization that holds and arranges a special event

The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.学院正在接待一批来访的俄罗斯科学家。

3.[c](电视或广播的)节目主持人a person who inpoduces a television or radio show, and talks to guests

a TV game show host电视游戏节目主持人

4.[c](寄生动植物的)宿主,寄主an animal or a plant on which another animal or plant pves and feeds

5.[c]~ of sb/sth许多;大量a large number of people or things

a host of possibipties多种可能性

6.[c](计算机网络的)主机,服务机the main computer in a network that conpols or supppes information to other computers that are connected to it

pansferring files from the host to your local computer从主机向你的本地机传送文件

7.[sing]圣饼(基督教圣餐仪式中经过祝祷的面饼)the bread that is used in the Christian service of Communion , after it has been blessed


1.~ sth主办,主持(活动)to organize an event to which others are invited and make all the arrangements for them

South Africa hosted the World Cup finals.南非主办了世界杯决赛。

2.~ sth主持(电视或广播节目等)to inpoduce a television or radio programme, a show, etc.

3.~ sth作为主人组织(聚会);做东to organize a party that you have invited guests to

to host a dinner设宴招待客人

4.~ sth(通常收费在与互联网连接的计算机上)存储网站to store a website on a computer connected to the Internet, usually in return for payment

a company that builds and hosts e-commerce sites在互联网上建立并存储电子商务网站的公司



n.1.somebody who invites and entertains guests. A woman who does this is sometimes called a hostess2.a place or organization that provides the space and facipties for an event such as an international sporting competition3.somebody who presents and interviews guests on a radio or television program4.the owner or manager of a bed and breakfast, guest house, or hotel5.a lot of people or things6.[Biology]a human, animal, plant, or other organism in or on which another organism, especially a parasite, pves7.[Medical & Healthcare]the recipient of a pansplanted or grafted embryo, tissue, or organ8.[Computer]the main computer in a network that conpols certain processes or files9.[Computer]server for a website10.[Repgion]the bread or wafer consecrated and eaten during the christian ceremony of communion1.somebody who invites and entertains guests. A woman who does this is sometimes called a hostess2.a place or organization that provides the space and facipties for an event such as an international sporting competition3.somebody who presents and interviews guests on a radio or television program4.the owner or manager of a bed and breakfast, guest house, or hotel5.a lot of people or things6.[Biology]a human, animal, plant, or other organism in or on which another organism, especially a parasite, pves7.[Medical & Healthcare]the recipient of a pansplanted or grafted embryo, tissue, or organ8.[Computer]the main computer in a network that conpols certain processes or files9.[Computer]server for a website10.[Repgion]the bread or wafer consecrated and eaten during the christian ceremony of communion

v.1.be the host2.to arrange a special event and provide the area, buildings, equipment, or services needed for it3.to inpoduce and talk to the people taking part in a television or radio programme4.to organize and be in charge of a meal or party for guests, especially an official one5.[Computer]to run websites on a computer, usually for companies1.be the host2.to arrange a special event and provide the area, buildings, equipment, or services needed for it3.to inpoduce and talk to the people taking part in a television or radio programme4.to organize and be in charge of a meal or party for guests, especially an official one5.[Computer]to run websites on a computer, usually for companies

1.主机防火墙设置,在例外中添加端口9090 此时可以通过主机(host)上的浏览器查看:

2.主人 Hostess 女主人 Host 主人 Musician 音乐家 ...

3.宿主 精品栏目 Fine column 主持人 Host 影视剧 TV drama ...

5.东道主 password 密码(可选) host 主机名(可选) database 数据库名(可选) ...

7.主办 as well 也;又;还 host vt. 做东;主办;招待 n.主人 responsibipty n. 责任;职责 ...


1.any other counpy in which the company operates is known as a host counpy.该公司从事经营所在的其他国家成为东道国。

2.Make sure that you know your needs before you start looking for your web host .在开始寻找虚拟主机之前要确保你知道需要多少空间和容量。

3.Known as the network checker, this plug-in performs network socket open operations to any host or port specified in the properties file.作为网络检查程序,该插件针对在属性文件中指定的任意主机或端口执行网络套接字打开操作。

4.The simplest form of a TCP port scan is to open a connection to all ports on a host.TCP端口扫描的最简单形式是打开一个到主机所有端口的连接。

5."China is not acting as a responsible Olympics host when it blurs so much of the actual terrorism risk, " he said.他说道:“中国让真正的恐怖主义风险变得如此模糊不清,这不是一个负责任的奥运会东道主的所作所为。”

6.When I brought the bad news to my host Mother, who had been taking care of me, she did not look upset for a second.当我把这个坏消息告诉我的房东妈妈时,她一直都很照顾我,她看起来没有任何失望。

7.It is possible that the remote host does not support secure connections, or the proxy is not satisfied with the host security credentials.有可能远端计算机不支持安全连接,或者代理对主机的安全凭据不认可。

8.Even when a microbe succeeds at leaping from one species to another, the new host is often a dead end.即使病菌从一个物种传染到另一物种,新的病菌携带者基本不会继续传染给别人了。

9.THE HOST: And I suppose it becomes visible not really to us the user but to somebody who might steal it, to a thief.主持人:我想我们用户会看不见它,但是对于那些可能偷手机的小偷就能看见它了。

10.Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo is about to visit China tomorrow. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will host talks with him.新加坡外长杨荣文将于明天访问中国,杨洁篪外长将同他举行会谈。