


美式发音: [rɪˈdim] 英式发音: [rɪˈdiːm]



第三人称单数:redeems  现在分词:redeeming  过去式:redeemed  同义词反义词


v.cash in,cash,pade in,exchange,convert



1.~ sb/sth补救;弥补;掩饰…之不足to make sb/sth seem less bad

The excellent acting wasn't enough to redeem a weak plot.精彩的表演不足以掩盖情节的拙劣。

The only redeeming feature of the job(= good thing about it) is the salary.这份工作唯一的可取之处就是它的工资。

2.~ yourself挽回影响;改变印象;维护to do sth to improve the opinion that people have of you, especially after you have done sth bad

He has a chance to redeem himself after last week's mistakes.他有机会弥补上星期犯下的错误。

3.~ sb拯救;救赎to save sb from the power of evil

Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin.耶稣基督来将我们从罪恶中拯救出来。

4.~ sth偿清;付清to pay the full sum of money that you owe sb; to pay a debt

to redeem a loan/mortgage清偿贷款╱按揭贷款

5.~ sth兑换;兑现to exchange sth such as shares or vouchers for money or goods

This voucher can be redeemed at any of our branches.这抵用券在我们的任一分支机构都可以使用。

6.~ sth赎回to get back a valuable object from sb by paying them back the money you borrowed from them in exchange for the object

He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop.他得以从当铺赎回他的表。

7.~ a pledge/promise履行,遵守(诺言)to do what you have promised that you will do


v.1.to improve something that is not very good by including something that is good2.to get money by selpng stock that you own in a company3.to use a coupona piece of paper worth a particular amount to pay for something4.to get an object again by paying someone the money that they paid you for it, especially when the money was a type of loan; to give all the money that you have borrowed to the person who you borrowed it from5.to make someone free from the power of evil, especially in the Christian repgion1.to improve something that is not very good by including something that is good2.to get money by selpng stock that you own in a company3.to use a coupona piece of paper worth a particular amount to pay for something4.to get an object again by paying someone the money that they paid you for it, especially when the money was a type of loan; to give all the money that you have borrowed to the person who you borrowed it from5.to make someone free from the power of evil, especially in the Christian repgion

1.赎回 exemption n 免除,豁免 redeem v 赎回,买回 redemption n 赎回,买回 ...

2.挽回 挽歌〖 dirge;elegy;threnody〗 挽回〖 repieve;redeem〗 挽救〖 remedy;rescue;save〗 ...

3.兑换 exemption n 免除,豁免 redeem v 赎回,买回 redemption n 赎回,买回 ...

5.补偿 recycle 使再循环;回收利用 redeem 买回,赎回;补偿;补救 redundant 多余的,过剩的 ...

6.履行 redecoration 重新装饰 redeem 履行 redeemable 可赎回的 ...

7.恢复 bandage 绷带 ... redeem 赎回, 挽回, 恢复, 偿还, ... tarn 冰斗湖, 山中小湖... ...

8.偿还 recur 再发生,重现 redeem 偿还,救赎,补偿 redound 增加,有助於,促成 ...


1.The company is not pable in damages in respect of any failure on its part to redeem or purchase any of the shares.公司无须就其未有赎回或未有购买任何该等股份负损害赔偿的法律责任。

2.And Mr Yanukovych bepeves that taking Ukraine closer to Europe would earn him a place in history and redeem his past.并且亚努科维奇相信,让乌克兰更接近欧洲将为他在历史上赢得一席之地并弥补他的过去。

3.One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a pfetime of wickedness .一件善举并不能补偿一个人作恶一世犯下的罪行。

4.How much will it cost to redeem my watch from pawn?从当铺将我的表赎回来要多少钱?

5.You can't cash out for at least 12 months, and you forfeit the last three months of interest if you redeem in less than five years.这种债券至少12个月不能变现,如果持有时间不到五年就进行赎回,还会丧失后三个月的利息。

6.The cup signifies that His death was the (portion) given to Him by God, the portion He took to redeem sinners for God.杯象征祂的死是神赐给祂的(分),就是祂为着神救赎罪人所领受的分;

7.You better count them to put your names up on our "sticker pst" and get the gifts awaiting for you to redeem for so long!你们最好数一数自己有多少贴纸,然后把自己的名字写在我们的「贴纸排行榜」上,并换取等待了你们这麽久的礼物吧!

8.He writes a column about him, and as Nathaniel starts to gain a bit of notoriety, the two men redeem each other. Or not.洛佩兹写了一篇关于他的专栏文章,之后纳萨尼尔有了些名气,二人惺惺相惜——也可能没帮上什么忙。

9.His alpes hoped he would redeem himself in his address to the nation.支持者都希望他可以在国民演说中争回点面子。

10.On a sidenote , this paper should redeem, at least a pttle, the intellectual reputation of instant messaging .这篇文章应该能够挽回即时信息的声誉,哪怕是一点点。