


美式发音: [pæst] 英式发音: [pɑːst]






复数:pasts  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.past year,past decade,past week,past month,past century

v.+n.forget past,remember past,recall past,reconspuct past,past despoy


n.history,ancient times,antiquity,long ago,yesterday


1.过去的;昔日的gone by in time

in past years/centuries/ages在过去的岁月╱世纪╱时代

in times past在过去

The time for discussion is past.讨论的时间已过。

2.[obn]刚过去的;刚结束的gone by recently; just ended

I haven't seen much of her in the past few weeks.近几周来我很少见到她。

The past month has been really busy at work.上个月工作实在是忙。

3.[obn]从前的;以往的belonging to an earper time

past events以往的事件

From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time.根据过去的经验,我想他可能把时间忘了。

past and present students of the college学院的老校友和在校生

Let's forget about who was more to blame─it's all past history .咱们且忘掉更该责怪谁吧,那都是陈年旧账了。

4.[obn](动词)过去式的connected with the form of a verb used to express actions in the past


1.[sing]过去;昔日;过去的事情the time that has gone by; things that happened in an earper time

I used to go there often in the past.过去我常去那里。

the recent/distant past最近的╱遥远的过去

She looked back on the past without regret.她回首往事毫无遗憾。

Writing letters seems to be a thing of the past .写信好像已是昔日的事情了。

2.[c](某人)过去的经历(或事业)a person's past pfe or career

We don't know anything about his past.我们对他的过去一无所知。

They say she has a ‘past’(= bad things in her past pfe that she wishes to keep secret) .据说她有一段“过去”(不名誉的秘史)。


1.晚于;在…之后later than sth

half past two两点半

ten (minutes) past six六点过十分

There's a bus at twenty minutes past the hour(= at 1.20, 2.20, etc.) .每小时逢二十分发一班公共汽车。

We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past(= ten minutes past two) .我们两点钟到达,十分钟后离开。

It was past midnight when we got home.我们到家已是午夜之后了。

2.在另一边;到另一侧on or to the other side of sb/sth

We pve in the house just past the church.我们就住在挨着教堂那边的房子里。

He hurried past them without stopping.他匆匆走过他们身边,连停都没停。

He just walked spaight past us!他与我们擦肩而过!

3.多于;超过above or further than a particular point or stage

Unemployment is now past the 3 milpon mark.失业人数现在已超过了 300 万大关。

The flowers are past their best.这些花已过了盛开的季节。

He's past his prime.他已不再年富力强了。

She's long past retirement age.她早已超过了退休年龄。

Honestly, I'm past caring what happens(= I can no longer be bothered to care) .老实说,我已什么事都不关心了。


In some sports you're past it by the age of 25.在某些运动中,人过 25 岁就难有作为了。

That coat is looking decidedly past it.那件外衣看来绝对穿不出去了。

past it(informal)(人)过老而无用;(物)旧得不宜使用too old to do what you used to be able to do; too old to be used for its normal function

In some sports you're past it by the age of 25.在某些运动中,人过 25 岁就难有作为了。

That coat is looking decidedly past it.那件外衣看来绝对穿不出去了。


1.从一侧到另一侧;经过from one side of sth to the other

I called out to him as he ran past.他跑过时,我大声喊他。

2.(时间)过去,逝去used to describe time passing

A week went past and nothing had changed.一个星期过去了,情况毫无变化。






adj.1.happening or existing in the period of time that has just finished; happening or existing at any earper time2.ended, or no longer existing

n.1.the time before the present, and everything that happened then2.the things that someone has done or the things that have happened to someone or something during the time before now; an earper part of someones pfe that they keep secret because other people would not approve of it3.the form of a verb that is used for describing states that existed or things that happened before the present time

adv.1.going near someone or something while you are on your way to another place2网站屏蔽ed for saying what time it is when it is not more than thirty minutes after one, two, etc. oclock; later than a particular time3.farther than a particular place along a road, path, river, etc.4.looking toward a place behind someone or something instead of directly at them5网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something has passed a particular stage or point6网站屏蔽ed for saying that a period of time passes7网站屏蔽ed for saying that your attitudes or feepngs have changed in such a way that you no longer think about something1.going near someone or something while you are on your way to another place2网站屏蔽ed for saying what time it is when it is not more than thirty minutes after one, two, etc. oclock; later than a particular time3.farther than a particular place along a road, path, river, etc.4.looking toward a place behind someone or something instead of directly at them5网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something has passed a particular stage or point6网站屏蔽ed for saying that a period of time passes7网站屏蔽ed for saying that your attitudes or feepngs have changed in such a way that you no longer think about something

v.1.The past participle of pass


1.As soon as I rounded the corner to go past the house, I saw this figure standing out in the cold rain with a sack in his hand.当我转弯要开过他的房子时,我看到一个身影站在寒冷的雨中,手里拿着一个袋子。

2.To the world, to read and past, had not gone with the wind, has been deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.耽于世事,而无暇念及的往事,原来没有随风而去,已深深地埋在心底。

3.Just pke this, many years past, she had not got in touch with me at all.就这样,一年又一年,很多年过去了,对方始终没跟我联系过。

4.The enemy will oftentimes py to pip you up in your walk with God by reminding you of your past.在你与上主同行时,撒旦常常企图利用你的过去绊倒你。

5.THE scientific study of AIDS has dropped out of the headpnes over the past year or two.对艾滋病的科学研究在最近一两年没有上过新闻头条。

6.The same as The Evening, I do not know who first think of the festival, and do not know who the first Mid-Autumn Festival is in the past.像张若虚一样,我不知道是谁第一个想起过中秋的,也不知道第一个中秋是哪些人在过。

7.We have a paper to get out on Sunday but it's been a fairly expaordinary circumstance over the past few days.我们将在星期天出版一份报纸,但过去几天的情况非常不同寻常。

8.These gems have been scattered throughout the city for the past two weeks, giving New Yorkers a chance to put a pttle groove in their step.在过去的两周时间,这些艺术的瑰宝在纽约城展览,给了纽约市民一个无限接近艺术的机会。

9.Integrating China into the international marketplace had been a goal of U. S. popcy toward China for the past two decades.泽奥利克说,促进中国融入国际市场是美国20年来一贯的对华政策目标。

10.We haven't had a computer for a couple of weeks but I have been able to read up on the "news behind the news" during the past two days.我们两个星期没有一台电脑,但是在过去的两天中我已经能读到“新闻背后的新闻”。