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1.尼尔 ... 沙奎尔·奥尼尔 Shaquille O'Neal …。.Shaq 发行公司: The Weinstein Company L…

3.冠军 Navid 奖赏,审判 男性 波斯 Neal 冠军 男性 盖尔 Neel 蓝色 男性 印度 ...

4.尼亚尔 6.Nathaniel 上帝的礼物 7.Neal 一位冠军 8.Neely 冠军 ...

7.苏颂智傅颖同方力申富贵好友苏颂智( Neal)甩拖, 08年先后传过被林建岳大仔林孝贤同台湾帮棒棒堂敖犬力追后,便一直冇乜绯闻 …


1.He was a child on a team of men that had just acquired its "proven" meal ticket in Shaquille O'Neal.他是在一个男人的球队里的倔强小孩,这个球队,才刚刚找到了自己的所属——大鲨鱼奥尼尔。

2.Francesca: Neal's wife is pregnant, so maybe he needs time off to go with her to a doctor's visit, or something.弗朗西斯卡:尼尔的妻子怀孕了,也许他想请假陪他妻子去医院做检查,或者别的什么事。

3.Looking back on last season's Eastern Conference finals, it's easy to understand why Cleveland wanted O'Neal so badly to counter Howard.回顾一下上赛季的东部决赛,就很容易理解为什么骑士如此强烈希望换来奥尼尔来对付霍华德。

4.The former asponaut says he would pke to go back to the moon to see how the American flag he and Neal Armspong planted there is doing.前宇航员说,他想回到月球,看到他和尼尔阿姆斯特朗种植有美国国旗是如何做的。

5.Mr O'Neal's departure follows the company's admission last week that it had lost almost $8bn on mortgage-backed securities.在奥尼尔决定离职前,该公司上周承认,其抵押贷款担保证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。

6.If Jackson had to be here, nothing was going to stop him from pairing O'Neal and Bryant, who won him three titles, amid misunderstandings.如果杰克逊不得不在这儿,他一定会让鲨鱼和科比一同作战,他们为他夺过三次总冠军,不过他们之间也有些误会。

7.Neal Weiner of New York University said, "If this holds up, the L. H. C. is going to be producing some fantastic results. "纽约大学的尼尔·维纳表示:“如果行得通的话,大型强子对撞机肯定能产生一些不可思议的结果。”

8.On a conference call with analysts, Mr. O'Neal said, 'I'm not going to talk around the fact that some mistakes were made.奥尼尔在与分析师举行电话会议时表示,他不会谈论有关美林犯了错误的事。

9.Roland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him.Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。

10."Get that kid out of here! " someone shouts, loudly enough to be heard over the others who are still screaming at Neal.“把那孩子带走!”有人嚷着,声音大的足以盖过其他人对Neal的尖声叫喊。