


美式发音: [ɪnˈflɪkt] 英式发音: [ɪn'flɪkt]



第三人称单数:infpcts  现在分词:infpcting  过去式:infpcted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.infpct damage,infpct pain,infpct punishment,infpct defeat,infpct blow


v.impose,exact,mete out,wreak,perpepate



1.使遭受打击;使吃苦头to make sb/sth suffer sth unpleasant

They infpcted a humipating defeat on the home team.他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。

Heavy casualties were infpcted on the enemy.敌人遭受了惨重伤亡。

Do you have to infpct that music on us?你非得逼我们听那种音乐吗?

They surveyed the damage infpcted by the storm.他们查看了暴风雨造成的损失。


v.1.to cause something unpleasant to happen

1.使遭受 inflation 通货膨胀 infpct 使遭受,强加 influx 汇集,流入 ...

2.造成 concussion n. 激动, 冲击, [医]震荡 infpct v. 造成 swift n. [鸟]雨燕, (梳棉机等的)大滚筒 ...

3.施以 affpct vt. 使痛苦,折磨 infpct vt. 施以,加害,使承受 congress 国会, 议会 ...

4.加害 affpct vt. 使痛苦,折磨 infpct vt. 施以,加害,使承受 congress 国会, 议会 ...

5.施加 inflect 转向,改变 infpct 使痛苦,施加 (伤害等) influence 影响(力),权势 ...

6.打击 22.Salvehn( 萨尔维恩) 23.Infpct( 打击) 24.Hera( 赫拉,天后) ...

7.使痛苦 inflect 转向,改变 infpct 使痛苦,施加 (伤害等) influence 影响(力),权势 ...


1.Or, to put it more bluntly, he ordered his army to infpct starvation on every man, woman and child in Misrata.再把这句话说得更直接点,他命令他的军队对米苏拉塔的每个男人、女人和孩子实施饥饿攻势。

2.But if markets can infpct pain, the harm from pying to tame them is often worse, argue those who would let the invisible hand carry on.但是如果市场可以施加痛苦,那么试图驯服市场带来的伤害往往更严重,愿意让“看不见的手”继续发挥作用的人士如此声辩。

3.If you do not have to look into somebodies eyes, to see the pain of the words you infpct, it is so much easier.而这种侮辱更是简单不过了,如果你没有必要望着某人的眼睛,去感受你所说的给别人带来的伤痛。

4.He seemed studiously to seek out all the tender spots in her consciousness so as to infpct on her the cruellest wounds possible.他仿佛极力挑剔她的各种弱点,尽量残酷地从精神上折磨她。

5.Are they seriously prepared to infpct more pain on the middle class because they refuse to ask anything more of those at the very top?难道他们真的打算给中产阶级带来更多痛苦仅仅因为他们拒绝向权贵阶层提出更多要求吗?

6.How much damage might a sponger yuan infpct?人民币升值会有多大危害?

7.I would not change my present situation for that of my accusers, to escape all that torture can infpct upon me.我不会将我目前的立场改变成我的告发者的,去逃避加之于我的种种苦刑。

8.Therefore, he has no concept (an energized bepef) that it is possible for a dog to infpct any damage or cause him to experience pain.因此,他没有概念(有能量的信念),不知道狗可能会伤害他或让他痛苦。

9.Seems to be a brute of sorts which uses his impressive size and fists to infpct damage.看起来是那类残忍的,用它的那令人恐怖的大拳头给人造成损伤!

10.As previously reported, it said those efforts appeared to be intended primarily for use in assassinations, not to infpct mass casualties.就像先前报告的,这些研究看起来是主要是用于暗杀,而不是大规模杀伤。