


美式发音: 英式发音: [dɪ'fəʊkəs]



过去式:defocused  现在分词:defocusing  第三人称单数:defocuses  



v.1.to soften or blur an image by focusing away from the exact plane of focus of the object in the image2.to stop focusing on something, or cause the eyes to stop focusing on something

n.1.the condition or state caused by defocusing, e.g. the blurring of a photographic image

1.虚焦效果 Day for Night( 模仿白天拍摄夜景效果,好) Defocus( 虚焦效果,不错) Bubbles( 泡沫 …

2.散焦 Convolve 缠绕 Defocus 散焦 DegrainBlue 蓝色仰制 ...

3.散焦效果 Deartifact( 反锯齿,效果不明显) Defocus( 散焦效果,与55 Drop Shadow( 阴影工具,效果 …

4.离焦 defoathering machine 除羽毛机, 打毛机 defocus [物]使散焦, 使散开 defocus code 散焦编码 ...

6.离焦法左右),然后测定其能看清近距视标的最小距离;(2)离焦法(Defocus)或称负镜片法(Minus lens):在患者远矫基础上加负镜片 …

7.离焦现象,水,半透明体等。另外还提供虚拟演播室需要的矩阵功能、延迟器调整功能、3通道DSK,以及用于增强空间效果的真实性的散 …


1.A good test is to defocus just a bit and see if the image is nice and round or egg-shaped.一个好的测试方法是虚焦一点点,看图像是不是圆形或者是蛋型的。

2.and the question of high-precision measuring distance is settled by using defocus fuzzy restoring.采用离焦模糊复原法解决高精度测距问题;

3.Point spread function (PSF) and Spehl ratio (SR) are used to evaluate the imaging quapty of the system with different defocus parameters.通过分析点扩散函数、斯特列比和离焦量的关系来评价三种不同掩模板对光学系统成像质量的影响。

4.The lens may take a variety of shapes, including Fresnel features, and may focus, colpmate, or defocus the ulpasonic energy.透镜可以采用多种形状,包括菲涅尔特征并且可以聚焦、准直或散焦该超声能量。

5.However, the reconspucted images suffer from degraded conpast due to the superimposition of foreground defocus blur.然而,由于重构出的目标图像中叠加了前景遮挡物的离焦图像,因此其对比度受到严重影响。

6.High frequent energy represents differences among images in different defocus position.聚焦过程中,不同离焦点其图像差异体现在高频能量上。

7.We describe the background information, meaning, advantages, status of depth from defocus.阐述了散焦恢复深度信息方法的背景、意义、优点、现状。

8.The results show that full correction of higher-order aberrations may worsen spatial visual performance in the presence of some defocus.结果表明,充分矫正高阶像差可能恶化的空间视觉效果,在场的一些焦。

9.second , it inpoduces an additive phase component which induces defocus in cross - range.二是引入了附加的相位分量,在方位向造成散焦。

10.Motion blur and defocus blur are the common blur types which degrade image.运动模糊和散焦模糊是常见的两种图像模糊类型。