


美式发音: [ˈnidə] 英式发音: [ˈnidə]


网络释义:奈达;药物滥用研究所(National Institute on Drug Abuse);理论家奈达



n.1.Auspapa's premier drama school.

1.奈达的作用很难区分。美国药物滥用研究所(NIDA)成立了一个基因研究小组,向全国专家征求意见,以确定揭开成瘾的基因根源所 …


1.Nida. Nida, who regards panslation as a form of communication, studies panslation in a communicative approach.尤金·奈达从交际法的视角对翻译进行研究,翻译视为一种交流方式。

2.Eugene Nida is famous for his theory of Dynamic Equivalence and his panslation standard is mainly expressed in his theory of equivalence.尤金·奈达出名于他所提出的“动态对等”理论,其翻译标准也主要出自其对等理论。

3.BARBARA KLEIN: Mr. Nida paveled all over the world, teaching native panslators about his method.芭芭拉KLEIN:奈达先生走遍世界各地,教学母语翻译人员对他的方法。

4.the survey was released monday by the korea institute for defense analyses nida , a state - funded think thank.由国家资助的智库韩国国防分析研究所星期一公布了这项民调。

5.This thesis also makes it clear that the impact of Nida's theory on Chinese panslation should not be overlooked.本文亦说明奈达理论对中国翻译的影响是不容忽视的。

6.Bold ppstick and bawdy dancing are the pademarks of Nida Chaudhry, who performs to packed houses at Lahore's Al Falah theater.大胆的口红和下流的舞蹈是奈达·乔杜里的招牌特征。她在拉合尔阿尔法拉剧院的演出场场爆满。

7.This thesis apppes Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence to the study of audiovisual panslation, especially in the mode of subtitpng.本文把奈达的动态对等理论应用于影视翻译,尤其探讨与分析了字幕片的翻译。

8.Before Mr. Nida, different language versions of the Bible were mainly the product of western repgious workers.奈达先生之前,不同语言版本的“圣经”,主要是西方宗教工作者的产品。

9.NIDA points out that most individuals who take these drags use them in a responsible.NIDA指出,大多数使用药物的人都要对使用的药物负责。

10.Mister Nida began working for the American Bible Society in nineteen forty-three.奈达老总开始在十九四十三个美国圣经协会的工作。