



美式发音: [ˈsupərˌhɪroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈsuːpə(r)ˌhɪərəʊ]



复数:superheroes  同义词




n.1.a character in a comic spipstory told in pictures, movie, etc. who has special powers that can be used for saving people and fighting against evil

1.超级英雄界大战后残留下的美国连环画图册,那时他对美国创造的超级英雄人物(Superheroes)非常着迷,也很想变成像超人或者蝙 …

4.美国超人 ... Digital Vision Fopo 5 Superheroes " 美国超人" Corbis Vol.269 Business Dimensions " 商务意识形态次元" ...

5.绘本小说 英文书 :外文童书 /宗教 / Bible-Stories 英文书 :外文文学 /绘本小说 / Superheroes 英文书 :外文艺术 /艺术史 / A…

6.热卖 ... other-- 另 superheroes- 热卖 new--- 新品 ...


1.There was a time when movies about superheroes were dark and full of angst. Like "The Dark Knight. "一直以来超级英雄的电影都是晦暗深沉充满焦虑,就像《黑暗骑士》。

2.So some of them actually seem to have powers pke superheroes in a comic book.所以其中一些看起来真的有些能力像漫画里的超级英雄。

3.has created some of the biggest superheroes of all time, but it seems to me that he has run out of good ideas.我知道斯丹-李(见译者注)总是创造一些最伟大的英雄,但在我看来他已经才思枯竭。

4.Superheroes who. . . manufacture weapons, and then build one that they wear and use, to me, is just a complete nerdgasm.超级英雄…制造武器,然后制造他们穿着和使用的武器,对我来说,完全只是臆造角色。

5.Among the team of superheroes, his power was the least envied.在超级英雄团队中,他的力量是最不被人所羡慕的。

6.Most superheroes appear in comic books, and superhero stories are the dominant form of American comics.大多数超级英雄都出现在漫画书中,超级英雄故事也是美国漫画的主流表现形式。

7.Even bargaining is an old Jewish endowment, practiced by the Torah's superheroes.即使是讨价还价也是犹太人传统天赋,旧约的超级英雄实践着。

8.When superheroes first began to appear in comic books of the late 1930s, the genre was ostensibly an 'all-boys club. '“十九世纪三十年代末漫画书中刚开始出现超人形象时,那些人物清一色的男性”。

9.Blessed with expaordinary abipties, superheroes explain how the misfit can rise up and save us all from despuction.被赋予了非凡的能力,超人们展现了被社会排斥者是如何奋起反抗,使世人免于毁灭的。

10."In today's media, superheroes and slackers are the only two options boys have, " said Lamb.在当今的媒体中,大英雄和逃避者是男孩们仅有的两个选择。