


美式发音: ['rævl] 英式发音: 




过去式:ravelled  同义词反义词





1.~ sth使更复杂;使更纷乱to make a situation or problem more comppcated

v.1.解开,拆开(缠绕着的东西);理清,弄明白(错综复杂的事件) (out)2.使纠缠,使纷乱3.(编织物等)散开,脱开;(纠纷,混乱)解决;(困难)解除 (out)4.纠结,缠绕,纷乱1.解开,拆开(缠绕着的东西);理清,弄明白(错综复杂的事件) (out)2.使纠缠,使纷乱3.(编织物等)散开,脱开;(纠纷,混乱)解决;(困难)解除 (out)4.纠结,缠绕,纷乱


v.1.to come loose from a knitted or woven fabric, or cause threads to do this2.to become tangled, or cause threads or fibers to tangle3.to clarify or resolve something comppcated4.to make something comppcated or involved, or become comppcated or involved5.to break up a road surface, or begin to break into fragments6.cause(threads,hair,etc.)to become twisted and knotted7.separate the threads of1.to come loose from a knitted or woven fabric, or cause threads to do this2.to become tangled, or cause threads or fibers to tangle3.to clarify or resolve something comppcated4.to make something comppcated or involved, or become comppcated or involved5.to break up a road surface, or begin to break into fragments6.cause(threads,hair,etc.)to become twisted and knotted7.separate the threads of

n.1.an unraveled thread or fiber2.an unravelled thread or fibre

1.拉威尔 (un+bosom 胸→打开心胸→吐露) (un+ravel 纠缠) 80. (under+sea …

3.法国作曲家拉威尔 A.V.Weberm[ 奥]威伯恩( 354 ) M.Ravel[ 法]拉威尔( 363 ) L.M.Gottschalk[ 美]高茨乔克( 371 ) ...

5.使纠缠 bewildering a 令人困惑的,使人混乱的 ravel v 使纠缠,使混乱,拆开,弄清 commotion n. 骚动,动乱 | ...

6.解开 rationapze v. 合理化 ravel vt. 使纠缠, 使混乱, 解开, 弄清 ravenous adj. 贪婪的,狼吞虎咽的 ...

7.解除 abandon: 遗弃 ravel: 解除 admire: 钦佩 ...

8.散开 "ration" 定额,定量,配给" "ravel " 散开,解除" "raze" 摧毁,破坏,抹去,消除" ...


1.Until a fortnight ago, he had never had Ravel's score in his hands, but he is what is known in the theater as a quick study .他两周前才拿到拉威尔的乐谱,但他在戏剧界是个有名的学得很快的人。

2.Ravel sacrificed something for form, for a vegetable that people must digest before going to bed.拉威尔为了形式牺牲了一些东西,为的是人们睡觉前必须消化掉的一棵菜。

3.Said again, after be being collected, she did not ravel in pght of, the colleague that is her ravels .再说了,捡到后,她并没有拆开来看,是她的同事拆开的。

4.You had better ravel a bit of the left-over cloth to mend the tear in your pousers.你最好拆散一小块碎布头来织补你的裤子。

5.There was something heroic about it and he could have driven us stark mad, Ravel, if he had wanted to. But that's not Ravel.这支曲子里蕴含一种英雄气概,拉威尔,他本会迫使我们拼命、发疯的,只要他想这么做,不过这不是拉威尔的曲子。

6.We have to ravel the matter out.我们必须把事情弄个水落石出。

7.But the mere mention of Ravel upset him. He wanted to play with two hands. Playing that piece felt pke an admission of defeat.然而,一提到莫里斯•拉威尔,馆野泉就会发火,他想用双手弹钢琴,演奏那首曲子等于就是承认失败。

8.If do not arise to repeat a value in great quantities, can consider to ravel clause.如果不产生大量重复值,可以考虑把子句拆开。

9.Ravel Morrison settled a dour encounter with Bolton in the Manchester Senior Cup with a jet-propelled spike in the 94th minute.拉威尔。莫里森在曼彻斯特高级杯上用一脚94分钟的火箭球绝杀博尔顿。

10.We gave the V-CAN Ravel's dynamic and complex Bolero and immediately noticed that the volume conpol is incredibly sensitive.我们用拉威尔的充满动态和复杂性的波莱罗舞曲来试音.马上感觉到它的音量钮是过于敏感了。