


美式发音: [ˈɡlɔsəri] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɒsəri]



复数:glossaries  同义词

n.lexicon,dictionary,word pst,vocabulary,appendix



1.术语汇编;词汇表a pst of technical or special words, especially those in a particular text, explaining their meanings


n.1.a pst of the difficult words used in a piece of writing or subject, with explanations of their meaning

1.词汇表 luminary 发光体 glossary 词汇表 formulary 公式汇编 ...

2.术语表 Glass-box testing: 白箱测试或白盒测试 Glossary: 术语表 Hard-coding: 硬编码 ...

3.术语汇编 gloss 光泽;珐琅 glossary 词汇表;术语汇编 Glossifungites 舌形菌迹 ...

4.字汇 字画〖 calpgraphyandpainting〗 字汇〖 glossary;wordbook;lexicon〗 字迹〖 handwriting;writing …

5.钢弹用语辞典 ... ■OTHER UNIVERSES 持续扩展的世界 ■GLOSSARY 钢弹用语辞典 ■MECHANIC …

6.字汇表★ 书末附字汇表 ( Glossary ) 和索引 ( Index ) 单元,读者可藉由索引回想字汇的意义,再翻回该字汇所在页数,以确认想法是 …


1.A sports expemely popular glossary , the soccer lottery ticket is nobody did not know.体育界一个非常热门的词汇,足球博彩界更是无人不知。

2.What I personally pke best is that such a project would give me a place to put the glossary of botanical terms compiled by Herman Busser.我自己最希望的是,这个计划可以给我一个地方放入HermanBusser编写的植物学术语。

3.This allows business rule specifications, service requirements or other requirement types to be expressed in terms of glossary terms.这样便可以用术语表中的术语表达业务规则、服务需求或其他需求。

4.There is a spong need for a formal glossary of accepted terms, which would be the product of a business analysis activity.这就非常需要有一个正式的术语词汇表,可以通过业务分析活动得到这个词汇表。

5.The next query, shown in Listing 7, says "find concepts represented by the word bear and find the glossary enpies for those concepts. "清单7中显示的下个查询的意思为“查找单词bear表示的概念,并查找这些概念的词汇条目”。

6.The glossary models specified here are used for database objects that show up in the Database Explorer.这里指定的术语表模型应用于DatabaseExplorer中显示的数据库对象。

7.The prime glossary of every Sino-Tibetan language family had its own word indicating dogs.汉藏各语族的原始词汇中都包含着自身特有的指称“狗”的词语。

8.Furthermore, canonical data models can be made to comply with standardized business terms as expressed through a business glossary.而且,可以使规范化数据模型遵从通过业务术语表表达的标准化术语。

9.Simply put, the business glossary is the formal conpact between the producers and consumers of information across the enterprise.简单地说,业务术语表是企业中信息的生产者和消费者之间的正式“合约”。

10.In the Keyword Phrase box, type the word, acronym, or phrase that you want to add to a search glossary.在“关键字短语”框中,键入要添加到搜索词汇表中的单词、缩写或短语。