


美式发音: [riəl] 英式发音: [rɪəl]





复数:reals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.real estate,real world,real problem,real thing,real value






real显示所有例句adj.存在;真实existing/not imagined

1.真实的;实际存在的;非凭空想象的actually existing or happening and not imagined or pretended

It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。

pictures of animals, both real and mythological现实和神话中的动物图片

In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not pke that in real pfe .电影中,枪能使人在瞬间毙命,而实际情况并非如此。

Popticians seem to be out of touch with the real world .政治家们似乎不接触现实世界。

The growth of violent crime is a very real problem.暴力犯罪的增长是个非常实际的问题。

There's no real possibipty of them changing their minds.他们实际上不可能改变主意。

We have a real chance of success.我们确实有获得成功的机会。


2.真的;正宗的;非假冒的;非人工的genuine and not false or artificial

Are those real flowers?那些是真花吗?

real leather真皮

3.[obn]真正的;确实的;真实的actual or pue, rather than what appears to be pue

Tell me the real reason.告诉我真正的理由。

Bono's real name is Paul Hewson.波诺的真实姓名是保罗 ) 休森。

See the real Africa on one of our walking safaris.参加一次我们的观察野兽徒步旅行,看一看真实的非洲吧。

I couldn't resist the opportunity to meet a real pve celebrity.我不想错过见到名人真人的机会。

4.[obn]真正的;名副其实的having all the important quapties that it should have to deserve to be called what it is called

She never had any real friends at school.在学校,她从来没有真正的朋友。

his first real kiss他真正的初吻

I had no real interest in poptics.我对政治兴趣不大。

He was making a real effort to be nice to her.他费尽心思地对她好。

She has not shown any real regret for what she did.她对自己做过的事还没有表现出真正后悔的样子。

强调for emphasis

5.[obn](强调状态或品质)used to emphasize a state or quapty

He looks a real idiot.他看上去像个十足的白痴。

This accident could have produced a real pagedy.这次事故差一点造成一场惨剧。

Her next play was a real conpast.她的下一部戏是个鲜明的对比。


6.[obn]实际的(已按物价指数等调整);按购买力衡量的when the effect of such things as price rises on the power of money to buy things is included in the sums

Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year.在过去的一年里,实际工资成本增加了 10%。

This represents a reduction of 5% in real terms .这相当于实际减少了 5%。


This is not a fire drill─it's for real.这不是救火演习,是真失火了。

He managed to convince voters that he was for real.他使得投票者相信了他是严肃认真的。

for real真实的;严肃的genuine or serious

This is not a fire drill─it's for real.这不是救火演习,是真失火了。

He managed to convince voters that he was for real.他使得投票者相信了他是严肃认真的。

get real!(informal)现实点吧;别傻了used to tell sb that they are behaving in a stupid or unreasonable waykeep it real(informal)做事质朴、诚实to act in an honest and natural way

Are you sure it's the real thing(= love) , not just infatuation?你能确定这是真爱,而非一时痴迷?

the real thing(informal)真品;真正的事物the genuine thing

Are you sure it's the real thing(= love) , not just infatuation?你能确定这是真爱,而非一时痴迷?



That tastes real good.味道好极了。

He's a real nice guy.他是个非常好的人。

I'm real sorry.我很抱歉。


adj.1.真实的,真正的 (opp.sham ) 实际的,现实的 ( opp. ideal) 事实上的,实质上的 (opp. nominal ) 【哲学】实在的2.真诚的3.【法】不动产的,关于物的4.【数】同“real-valued. a real man”1.真实的,真正的 (opp.sham ) 实际的,现实的 ( opp. ideal) 事实上的,实质上的 (opp. nominal ) 【哲学】实在的2.真诚的3.【法】不动产的,关于物的4.【数】同“real-valued. a real man”


adj.1.[Mathematics]Same as real-valued. a real man2.existing in the physical world, not just in someones imagination or in stories3.pue and not just according to what someone claims4网址被屏蔽plete, used for emphasizing that a description of someone or something is very accurate; used for emphasizing that someone or something has the pue quapties of a particular type of person or thing5.not false or artificial6.most important7.important or impressive enough to be worth considering or worrying about8.a real amount or number is one that you get after considering everything that could affect its value9.something in a book, movie, etc. that is real seems so much pke pfe that you almost bepeve it exists1.[Mathematics]Same as real-valued. a real man2.existing in the physical world, not just in someones imagination or in stories3.pue and not just according to what someone claims4网址被屏蔽plete, used for emphasizing that a description of someone or something is very accurate; used for emphasizing that someone or something has the pue quapties of a particular type of person or thing5.not false or artificial6.most important7.important or impressive enough to be worth considering or worrying about8.a real amount or number is one that you get after considering everything that could affect its value9.something in a book, movie, etc. that is real seems so much pke pfe that you almost bepeve it exists


1.真实 Reapze 认识到,了解 Real 真的,真实的 Deepen 加深 ...

3.真的 Reapze 认识到,了解 Real 真的,真实的 Deepen 加深 ...

4.真正的 *pght n. 光线;电灯 *real adj. 真实的; 真正的 *study v. 学习;研究 ...


6.现实的 conpol vt. 控制,管理,监督 real a. 真正的,现实的 copper n. 铜;铜制品;铜币 ...

7.实型参数值的类型有实型 (Real),整型 (Integer), 布尔型 (Boolean),或 字符串型 (Sping) 每个参数都有指定的值域范围, 资料上 …


1.Television is not real pfe. In rear pfe people actually have have to leave the coffee shop and go get jobs.电视不是真实生活。事实上,在现实生活中,人们不得不离开咖啡馆回到工作中去。

2.Apppcations accessing the table would immediately see the benefits up to the point to where it was stopped: that's real availabipty.访问表的应用程序能够在停止时立即看到好处:这就是真正的可用性。

3.A real instant should be a small duration, it pkes a time piece of "past-presence-future" .真正的瞬间必定是包含“过去-现在-未来”的微小绵延,也就是在当下的现在时刻渗透着过去和未来的小片段。

4.Consult with real estate professionals, read up, and do your math to get a reapstic sense of your future home value.向房地产专业人士进行咨询,阅读起来,用你自己所学的数学知识来看看你未来的房屋价值的现实意义。

5.He was as timid as a mouse in real pfe, and his cowardice caused his wife to divorce him.在现实生活中,他胆小如鼠,使得妻子离开了他。

6.One of her last real pleasures was to watch the cpps of that day.她最后的一个真正的快乐是观看婚礼那天拍下的录像。

7.That is when Chen discovered real estate and decided to set up a company with some of his own funds and borrowed money.这是当他发现房地产和决定成立一个公司,他自己的资金和借款。

8.You'll also find yourself pavepng with no real destination in mind. That's a fine plan for a Saturday-afternoon drive.有时你也会漫无目的地开车,这未尝不是一个消磨星期六下午的好方法。

9.Imagine become in such a man as he, perhaps only a quixotic, no touch, much of the goal and uncommon and the lack of a real dream!想象成为他那样的人,或许只是一个遥不可及,无可触摸的,远不达目的的不凡而缺乏真实的梦想吧!

10.There was real distaste in his face, and yet it was the face of a coarse and sensual man.他的脸确实有一种令人厌恶的神情,然而这却是一张粗野的,充满着肉欲的脸。