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1.莱娅小鸟加入小鸟队,它的光剑可以用来切割敌人的建筑,而莱娅公主(Leia)也将作为卢克的战友,化身粉色的小鸟,用双眼发射 …

4.莱亚 Leesa 丽莎 Leia 莉娅 Leif 雷夫 ...

6.莱雅摆着一个真人大小的模特,那是穿着性感的白色长筒靴的莱亚公主(Leia),她手里拿着一支左轮手枪;鲍威尔造型的摇头娃 …


1.Bail and his wife had been looking to adopt a child, and he came to raise and love young Leia Organa as his own child.贝尔和他的妻子一直想收养一个孩子,于是他顺理成章地把小莱娅·奥加纳看作自己的孩子加以抚养和爱护。

2.Leia is a petite, fair-skinned human female with brown eyes, and long brown hair that she often wears in an elaborate fashion.莱娅是一位身材娇小、美丽动人的人类女性,她有着褐色的眼睛,喜欢把自己褐色的长发打理成精致的发型。

3.A stoic Leia compped, putting the safety of the Alpance base over her personal concerns for her friends.为顾全大局,莱娅将同盟基地的安全置于其个人对朋友的关心之上,只能照办。

4."She's missing her mother already, " observed Obi-Wan sagely as Leia settled into his arms, but Anakin shook his head.“她已经开始想她的妈妈了。”奥比万发表睿智的评论,这时莱娅已经习惯被他抱着了,不过阿纳金摇了摇头。

5.Luke would learn that Leia Organa was his sister, and he would also reclaim his father from the dark side.卢克将会知道,莱娅·奥加纳就是他的妹妹,他还将把父亲从黑暗面中拯救出来。

6.After the victory at Endor, Leia continued to demonspate some abipty in the Force, being able to sense her brother's presence.恩多战役胜利后,莱娅继续表现出对原力的敏感性,她能够感应到哥哥的存在。

7.It was the turmoil of the Yuuzhan Vong War and its fallout that caused Leia to return to her Jedi studies with renewed focus.遇战疯战争的混乱和它的后续影响使莱娅有机会以新的心境重返她的绝地研究。

8.Leia practiced her skills as a Jedi with her brother, but a galaxy of dispactions kept her from reaching her full potential.莱娅从她哥哥那里学到了绝地技巧,但是全银河的烦心事妨碍了她发挥她的全部潜能。

9.In the confusion, Leia managed to momentarily stun Guri by hammering the back of her head with the heavy Ubese bounty hunter helmet.在混乱中,莱娅用尤贝斯赏金猎人那沉重的头盔给了古丽的后脑勺猛烈的一击,古丽瞬间一愣。

10.Princess Leia got out of jail and out in the spaceship. And they got the big thing that blowed up stuff, we blowed it up together.丽娅公主从监狱里出来,然后坐飞船离开。他们拿到那个能把东西炸没了的大大的家伙,我们一起把它炸了。