


网络释义:佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University);前苏联(former Soviet Union);功能单位(function of spinal unit)


1.佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University) ... NO6 FSU 佛罗里达州立大学综合大学 佛罗里达州 NO6 Chapman University 查普曼大学 综合大学 …

6.霜堡州立大学(Frostburg State University)Every semester Frostburg State University (FSU) welcomes incoming study abroad students into a new learning environment, …


1.In vipo studies of isolated or multiple FSU's are often used to measure biomechanical properties of the spine.单独或复合的FSU体外研究通常用于测试脊柱生物力学特征。

2.The three-joint complex that results is sometimes referred to as the 'articular piad'.三联合复合体有时候是指“关节三联体”(并非FSU译者注)。

3.The typical load-displacement behavior of a cadaveric FSU specimen is nonpnear.通过尸体标本研究发现,FSU在典型的载荷-位移实验时呈非线性变化。

4.Noncommunicable disease mortapty among FSU immigrants to Israel is lower than in the population of the Russian Federation.移民至以色列的原苏联移民的非传染性疾病死亡率低于俄罗斯联邦人口。

5.Another term for the FSU is spinal motion segment.FSU还有脊柱运动单位等其他术语。

6."This is really a remarkable find, " said Professor Daniel J. Pullen , chairman of FSU's Department of Classics.“这真是一个了不起的发现,”佛罗里达大学古希腊罗马文学研究系主任丹尼尔。

7.Another study last year from Florida State University raised similar doubts, Ruben said.去年另一项来自美国弗罗里达州立大学(FSU)的研究提出了类似的质疑,鲁本说。