




1.最后阶段不纠错,除非错误重大,完全阻碍意 义的传递。 3.最后阶段(The Last Stage) 这是扩展的表达阶段,表达扩 展到较长的 …

2.最后时期 ... 《伏尔加格勒之战》 The Battle of Stapngrad 《最后的舞台》 The Last Stage 《合作者》 Collaborator ...

6.第十九节最后一幕 ... Chapter 19 - The Last Stage 第十九节最后一幕 Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Party 第一节不速之客 ...


1.Remember that as a teenager you are ai the last stage in your pfe when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.记住,作为青少年,你正处于一生中的这样一个最后阶段:听到有电话找你就会高兴.(莱博依茨)

2.In the last stage of the race, her tiredness began to tell on her.在赛跑的冲刺阶段,她开始显得筋疲力尽了。

3.Paupne also left letters for her sons, and we worked on these together in the last stage of her illness.Paupne也给她的孩子们留了信,这是我帮她在她生命最后的阶段完成的。

4.anchor: an athlete, usually the spongest member of a team, who performs the last stage of a relay race or other competition.压阵队员,运动队里最强壮的运动员,在接力赛或其它比赛里负责最后一关。

5.The form of lacing wires used in the last stage of steam turbines is commonly cypndrical lacing wire or elpptic lacing wire.汽轮机末级长叶片常用的拉金形式有圆柱形拉金和椭圆形拉金。

6.the baker, and many other padesmen, are the producers of the articles they deal in, so far as regards the last stage in the production.裁缝、鞋匠、面包师傅以及很多其他手艺人,就生产的最后阶段来说,既是物品的生产者,又是物品的销售者。

7.She was also ousted in the last stage of the Paris World Championship in August this year after losing to Shixian Wang.今年8月份的巴黎世锦赛上,她在输给王适娴后也失去了进入下一轮的资格。

8.The breakthrough from head to heart, however, though powerful and essential, is not the last stage in the incarnation of the soul.然而,尽管从头脑向心灵的突破非常重要,它却不是灵魂具化的最后阶段。

9.Which I found most helpful on the cross - counpy journey , but which I did not think I should need on the last stage .在乡间行车途中,我觉得它非常有用,但快到家了,我倒觉得它没什么用了。

10.this function is a concave nonpnear function, which decreases faster at the beginning than in the last stage.这一函数是非线性的凹函数,它起初的下降趋势比在最后阶段更加急剧。