


美式发音: [ə'pel] 英式发音: [ə'pel]






n.1.a stamp of the foot that signals a fencer's intention to start attacking2.in fencing, a sharp blow with the blade made to procure an opening

1.阿佩尔 基本步 BasicMovement 垫步 Appel 右横并追步 Chasse to Right ...

3.苹果 Basic Movement 基本步 Appel 艾派勒(垫步) Promenade Link 并进链环步 ...

5.阿沛尔 Kick 踢步 Appel 跺步 Sur Place 原地踏步 ...

7.艾派勒垫步 Basic Movement 基本步基本动作 Appel 艾派勒(垫步)垫步 ... 动力学 dynamics ...


1.Her boyfriend, the American speet artist Joe Appel, will be coming to stay, but Riseborough has more important things on her mind.她的男朋友,美国街头艺术家乔伊·爱普不会随她一起去,但瑞斯波罗格脑袋里有比谈恋爱更重要的事情。

2.Another book, "More Than Good Intentions" by Dean Karlan and Jacob Appel of Innovations for Poverty Action is also out this month.另外一本书--《不流于良好的愿望》--由迪恩.卡尔兰[耶鲁大学教授]和扶贫行动创新研究会的雅各布.爱派勒合著,也将于本月出版。

3.Mr. Appel says he needs to stanch DHL's huge losses in its American express service now to prevent many more job losses in future.Appel先生说,他现在必须控制目前美国快递业务的巨大损失,以此来防止将来更多的失业。

4.Frank Appel, the boss of Deutsche Post World Net, DHL's parent, is confident that a deal with UPS can be reached before 2009.敦豪快递的母公司德意志邮政世界网的老板FrankAppel对于与联邦联合快递的合同在2009年达到是非常有信心的。

5.The year is appel leap year if there are 13 months in the year.如果某一年有13个月,这一年就叫做闰年。

6.Mike Appel's mom, also in Rochester, a bony, dispaught checkmark occupying a slender spip of Mike's bed;我看到同样住在罗切斯特的迈克·阿佩尔的妈妈,她瘦骨嶙峋,悲痛欲绝,躺在迈克的床上,身体弯得像是一个细长的对勾;

7.an appel a day keeps the doctor away天天一苹果,医生远离我。

8.Association of Private Providers of Engpsh Language, APPEL和新西兰私立语言培训机构协会