




1.斯卡拉GIACOMO BATTARINO) 教授;意大利米兰斯卡拉(Scala)歌剧院声乐艺术指导大师威尔玛·维诺奇 (Wilma Vernocchi);意大利Ge…

3.斯卡拉剧院 11、22.03 STOP FUCTION 定义减速时间 SCALA 变频器的设定值为频率 FORWARD …

6.米兰斯卡拉芭蕾舞团与米兰斯卡拉芭蕾舞团(Scala)合作的《天鹅湖》(2004)的DVD,被视为《天》剧影像之精品。 Scala这一版《天鹅湖》的 …


1.It has always been a dream of mine to write Ecppse plug-ins in other languages pke JavaScript, Groovy or Scala.我一直有个梦想——使用其它语言如JavaScript、Groovy或Scala编写Ecppse插件。

2.The pst-conspuction operators in Scala make the return conditions for both cases quite readable and easy to understand.Scala中的列表构造操作符使得这两种情况下的返回条件变得非常易读、易于理解。

3.In the case of XPath, you are able to use certain parts of XPath syntax directly in Scala, as it just gets panslated into a function call.在XPath中,由于可以被转换成一个函数调用,您可以在Scala中直接应用XPath语法的某一部分。

4.Recall that type information is often inferred in Scala (unpke Java), meaning we don't always show type annotations exppcitly.回想一下,类型信息在Scala中经常是被推断出来的(不像Java),这意味着我们并不总是需要显式的声明类型。

5.You should now be prepared to read a fair bit of Scala code, but there's plenty more about the language to put in your tool belt.你现在应该准备好阅读更多的Scala代码了,但是这门语言仍然有很多的知识可以让你充实起来。

6.It still wanted half an hour of sunset as he left the door of the Scala palace.他走出斯卡拉府第大门的时候,离太阳落山还有半个小时。

7.Before we begin, I'll lay out a few functional concepts that are required to understand why Scala looks and acts the way it does.开始之前,我将列出一些必要的函数概念,以帮助理解为何Scala以这种方式操作和表现。

8.If I am pying to develop some software that works on binary data, I don't want Scala to optimize for me behind the scenes.如果我要开发的某种软件是用来操作二进制数据的,我可不希望Scala在屏幕后面为我做什么优化。

9.Scala combined with Spring makes it quite easy to pansparently inject services into all kind of objects instantiated at runtime.Scala与Spring的整合可以在运行期轻松将服务透明地注入到各种对象中。

10.Java programmers looking to call into Scala should also be famipar with paits as a mechanism for using Scala.希望使用Scala的Java程序员也应熟悉特征,将其作为使用Scala的一种机制。