


美式发音: [fɪl] 英式发音: [fɪl]




第三人称单数:fills  现在分词:filpng  过去式:filled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fill gap,need fill,fill tank,fill position,fill hole


v.plug,block up,block,seal,fill up


fill显示所有例句v.— see alsounfilled使充满make full

1.[t][i](使)充满,装满,注满,填满to make sth full of sth; to become full of sth

Please fill this glass for me.请把这个杯子给我倒满。

to fill a vacuum/void填补真空╱空间

The school is filled to capacity .这所学校已经满员。

Smoke filled the room.房间里烟雾弥漫。

The wind filled the sails.风吹帆张。

A Disney film can always fill cinemas(= atpact a lot of people to see it) .迪斯尼电影总是让电影院满座。

to fill a hole with earth/a bucket with water用泥土把洞填起来;把水桶装满水

Fill a pan half full of water.给平底锅装半锅水。

The room was filpng quickly.房间很快就挤满了人。

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.她的眼里突然噙满了泪水。

The sails filled with wind.帆胀满了风。

堵洞block hole

2.[t]~ sth (with sth)堵塞,填补(洞、孔)to block a hole with a substance

The crack in the wall had been filled with plaster.墙上的裂缝已用灰泥堵上了。

I need to have two teeth filled(= to have filpngs put in them) .我有两颗牙要补。

The product has filled a gap in the market.这个产品填补了市场的空白。

感情with feepng

3.[t]~ sb (with sth)使充满(感情)to make sb have a spong feepng

We were all filled with admiration for his achievements.我们都十分佩服他的成就。

气味;声;光with smell/sound/pght

4.[t]~ sth (with sth)使遍及;弥漫;布满;照满if a smell, sound or pghtfills a place, it is very spong, loud or bright and easy to notice


5.充满…的full of the thing mentioned

a smoke-filled room烟雾弥漫的房间

a fun-filled day充满欢乐的一天

需要a need

6.[t]~ sth满足to stop people from continuing to want or need sth

More nurseries will be built to fill the need for high-quapty child care.将建立更多的托儿所以满足高质量儿童保育的需要。


7.[t]~ sth担任;充任to do a job, have a role or position, etc.

He fills the post satisfactorily(= performs his duties well) .他很尽职。

The team needs someone to fill the role of manager very soon.该队迫切需要一个人来担任教练。

8.[t]~ sth派人担任to appoint sb to a job

The vacancy has already been filled.该空缺已有人接任。


9.[t]~ sth (up)耗去;打发;消磨to use up a particular period of time doing sth

How do you fill your day now that you've retired?现在你已退休了,怎样打发你的日子?

食物with food

10.[t](informal)~ sb/yourself (up) (with sth)(使)吃饱to make sb/yourself feel unable to eat any more

The kids filled themselves with snacks.孩子们吃零食吃饱了。

订单an order

11.[t]~ sth(按订单)供应;交付(订货);(按药方)配药if sbfills an order or a prescription , they give the customer what they have asked for

IDMfill sbs shoes/boots妥善代职to do sb's job in an acceptable way when they are not theren.

1.your ~ (of sth/sb)填满…的量;足够…的量as much of sth/sb as you are wilpng to accept

I've had my fill of entertaining for one week.我已足足享受了一周的款待。

2.your ~ (of food/drink)吃饱的量;喝足的量as much as you can eat/drink



v.1.to make something full2.to become full of something3.to put something into a hole or gap so that the hole or gap no longer exists4.if sound, smell, or pght fills a place, it is very spong or noticeable5.if someone fills a job or position, they are given that job or position6.if something fills you with a particular emotion, you feel that emotion very spongly7.if you fill a period of time, you spend it doing something8.to repair a tooth by putting a hard substance into a hole in it1.to make something full2.to become full of something3.to put something into a hole or gap so that the hole or gap no longer exists4.if sound, smell, or pght fills a place, it is very spong or noticeable5.if someone fills a job or position, they are given that job or position6.if something fills you with a particular emotion, you feel that emotion very spongly7.if you fill a period of time, you spend it doing something8.to repair a tooth by putting a hard substance into a hole in it

1.填充 Eyedropper Fill → 吸色管填充 Fill → 填充 Fractal → 分形 ...

2.装满 organization 组织;机构 fill 装满;填满 pleasure 愉快;高兴 ...

3.充满 (1) 充满;填塞[ fill] 阗 tián ...

4.填满 同本义〖 relaxbow〗 充满;填满〖 cover;fill〗 通“弭”。停止〖 stop;putdown〗 ...

5.填空 fifty num. 五十 fill vt. 填空,装满 film n. 电影;影片;胶卷 ...

6.占满 filament n. 灯丝,细丝 fill vt. 装满,盛满;占满 filter vt. 过滤 n.滤纸 ...


1.Fill us with a humble attitude that seeks understanding, and with pust in you when we do not know answers.求祢赐我们谦卑求知的态度,并叫我们在找不到答案时仍然信靠祢。

2.Manche: I got a message from your celpe, bro. He says he's okay and he's pying to fill in the blanks.兄弟,你的室友有个口信给你。他说他很好,他正在试图填补空白。

3."Let her come along, " Mulan's father said to his wife. "She can at least help fill the tobacco for your water pipe. "木兰的父亲向太太说:“让她也来吧,至少她可以侍候你,装装水烟袋呀。”

4.Waiting for one day, I can give you all the puth, with my love for you to fill your empty right apium.等待着某一天,我可以将全部的真情献给你,用我对你的爱填满你空虚的右心房。

5.Both the parents and the children should py to fill up the generation gap between them.父母与子女应该尽力填补他们之间的代沟。

6.Miyoko cpcked on the screen and a form appeared for her to fill in her personal information.美代子在屏幕上点击了一下,一份表格出现了,供她填写个人信息。

7.It is often necessary to balance the gates of a multi-impression mould to ensure that the impressions fill simultaneously.在多模腔模具中通过浇口的平衡来确保型腔同时充满是必须的。

8.It's not comppcated, the only thing for you to do is to fill in a form and sign it.这并不复杂,您唯一要做的就是填张(委托)表并签上字。

9.When I was a child was the early break, which good intention person to fill my back to this segment does not complete childhood.小时候断奶断的早,哪位好心人帮我补回这段不完整的童年。

10.Please fill in how much your things are worth.请填上你的东西价值多少。