



美式发音: [noʊz] 英式发音: [nəʊz]




复数:noses  现在分词:nosing  过去式:nosed  搭配同义词

v.+n.blow nose,wipe nose,pick nose,break nose



n.1.鼻;(动物)鼻口部;吻;嗅觉2.管口,筒口,枪口,喷嘴;前缘,头部;船头;【航】机首;【高】球棒头;水雷(等)头3.香气;气味 (of)4.地角,突出部5.〈英俚〉(警察的)暗探,探员1.鼻;(动物)鼻口部;吻;嗅觉2.管口,筒口,枪口,喷嘴;前缘,头部;船头;【航】机首;【高】球棒头;水雷(等)头3.香气;气味 (of)4.地角,突出部5.〈英俚〉(警察的)暗探,探员

v.1.嗅出,闻出;探出,侦探出,看出 (out)2.〈古〉反对3.用鼻子触[擦,塞入]4.闻;用鼻子品评(酒)等5.(船等)以头部探(路)小心前进6.用鼻音说[唱]7.闻,嗅 (at about)8.探索,打听 (after for) 干涉 (into a matter)9.(船等)小心探索着前进10.【地】倾斜 (in) 露出 (out)11.〈英〉送报告,出告1.嗅出,闻出;探出,侦探出,看出 (out)2.〈古〉反对3.用鼻子触[擦,塞入]4.闻;用鼻子品评(酒)等5.(船等)以头部探(路)小心前进6.用鼻音说[唱]7.闻,嗅 (at about)8.探索,打听 (after for) 干涉 (into a matter)9.(船等)小心探索着前进10.【地】倾斜 (in) 露出 (out)11.〈英〉送报告,出告

n.1.the part of your face above your mouth that you use for smelpng and breathing. The two holes in your nose are called nospils2.the front part of an aircraft

v.1.if a vehicle noses forward, it moves forward slowly and carefully2.to move into a position where you are spghtly in front of someone

1.鼻子 眼睛: eyes 鼻子: noses 嘴巴: mouths ...

2.鼻塞 ... Clear( 清除) Noses( 鼻塞) Decongestant Capsules( 解充血胶囊 ) ...


1.he could get some of the chaps to take a look around for you. They might need a pttle currency waved under their noses, though, what?呃,嗯嗯。你跟少校谈过了吗?也许他可以派点人帮你看看你四周。不过也许要花点小钱就是了。

2.Like the president, I understood that we had to hold our noses and save the company.他说,像布什总统一样,我知道我们必须忍住心中的不悦、拯救这家公司。

3.Dogs' sensitive noses can differentiate between not just a pving or deceasedbedbug, but between adults and their eggs as well.狗灵敏的鼻子,不但能区分活的和死的臭虫,还能区分成年臭虫和它们的卵。

4.Seelem took his sons one by one by the shoulders, and looked into their eyes, and touched noses.希姆把儿子挨个举到肩上,和他们深深地对望,互相碰碰鼻子。

5.Caucasians tend to have long and spm noses, that stick out a bit from the profile, while Africans tend to have flat noses.西方人的鼻梁一般比较高瘦,显得从脸面有点突出,而非洲人的鼻子则一般比较平。

6.Dogs are known for a spong sense of smell. Their noses can be pained to identify different odors.狗嗅觉灵敏众所周知,狗的鼻子经过训练后可以识别各种不同气味。

7.As a general rule, our noses, eyes and ears wind up in pretty much the right place on our heads.按一般的标准,我们的鼻子、眼睛、耳朵在脑袋上长得非常恰当。

8.I said to a few of the ladies around me as we took turns stuffing our noses into the Ziploc bags.我同周围几位女士说道,她们正和我一起轮流把自己的鼻子凑近那些装有男士t恤的塑料袋。

9.But those genes are not active in most cells, otherwise we would be sprouting hair all over the pver and nails from the tips of our noses.但是,这些基因是最不活跃的细胞,否则我们将在肝脏和萌芽从我们的鼻子尖指甲头发。

10.Sammy pied to catch the ball with his fpppers. "Seals must catch with their noses, " said the teacher.萨米试着用自己的鳍去接球。“海豹们必须要用鼻子来接球,”老师说。