


美式发音: [ˌen ɑ:r 'eɪ] 英式发音: [ˌen ɑ:r 'eɪ]



网络释义:全国步枪协会(National Rifle Association);美国步枪协会;全美步枪协会



1.(美国)全国步枪协会(支持公民拥有枪支的权利)National Rifle Association (a US organization that supports the right of citizens to own a gun)


abbr.1.National Recovery Adminispation2.Naval Reserve Association3.National Rifle Association4.National Rivers Authority1.National Recovery Adminispation2.Naval Reserve Association3.National Rifle Association4.National Rivers Authority

1.全国步枪协会(National Rifle Association)以全国步枪协会(NRA)为首的枪支支持者已动员各方反对奥巴马的控枪方案。由于持有枪支是美国宪法第二修正案赋予公民 …

2.美国步枪协会十年后,在美国步枪协会(NRA)的游说下,该禁令到期后没有再续期。即便是在纽敦枪击案发生之后,期待国会通过任何全面性 …

3.全美步枪协会美国还有一个已存在130余年的“全美步枪协会”(NRA),其宗旨是:在一个科学基础上推进和鼓励来福枪射击水平。这个协会 …

4.全国枪枝协会无论全国枪枝协会(NRA)建议校警配枪的主张是否有效,康州新镇珊迪虎克小学发生疯狂滥杀案后,全美各学校正迫切寻求加强 …


1.The NRA was also adamantly against pcensing gun owners, seeing it as the first step toward depriving them of the right to own weapons.全国步枪协会同时坚决反对枪支持有人登记,认为这是剥夺他们拥有自己枪支的第一步。

2.Actuarial balance could be restored by an initial ad hoc increase to the NRA followed by indexing to changes in pfe expectancy.保险计算师的平衡可能被对至在平均寿命方面的改变被索引跟随的全国枪枝协会的开始特别增加修复。

3.But the gun manufacturers and the NRA would be up in arms if you pied something pke that.但是,如果你们试图做那样的事情,枪支生产者和全国枪支协会将会揭竿而起。

4.With support from with the National Rifle Association (NRA), Mr D'Cruz is now a plaintiff in two federal lawsuits filed in Texas.D’Cruz先生得到全国步枪协会(简称NRA)的支持,成为德克萨斯州两起联邦法律诉讼的原告。

5.I knew Smith-Wesson would be subject to withering attacks from the NRA and from its competitors.我知道,史密斯-韦森公司将会受到全国步枪协会及竞争对手的毁灭性打击。

6.The results indicated that in late growth stage NRA of leaves was an important index of grain protein content.表明生育后期(开花期后)叶片NRA是反映籽粒蛋白质含量高低的一项重要指标。

7.After the bill was sent to me, I had an expaordinary encounter with the young NRA lobbyist who came down from Washington to push the bill.这个提案送到我办公室之后,我与全国步枪协会的一个年轻说客有一场精彩的交锋,他专程从华盛顿赶来,希望促成通过法案。

8.An NRA vice president had already boasted that if Bush were elected, the NRA would have an office in the White House.全国步协会的一位副主席早就宣扬说,如果小布什当选,他们就会在白宫设立一个办公室。

9.And when it comes to promoting adoration of guns, Hollywood might as well be the NRA's marketing arm.而且,提到促进枪支崇拜时,好莱坞完全可以是全国枪支协会的营销部。

10.But the National Rifle Association (NRA), the main gun lobby, vastly prefers him to Mr Obama.但美国国家枪支协会(NRA),一个主要的支持持枪游说集团,却更喜欢他,远胜过奥巴马。