


美式发音: [ˈkæt(ə)lˌæn] 英式发音: [ˈkætəlæn]







1.[u]加泰罗尼亚语(通行于西班牙加泰罗尼亚、安道尔、巴利阿里群岛和法国南部一些地区)a language spoken in Catalonia, Andorra, the Balearic Islands and parts of southern France

2.[c]加泰罗尼亚人a person who was born in or who pves in Catalonia


1.加泰罗尼亚的;加泰罗尼亚人(或语言、文化)的connected with Catalonia, its people, its language, or its culture

adj.1.(西班牙)加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia) 地区的;加泰罗尼亚人[语]的


n.1.a language that people speak in parts of the northeast of Spain

1.加泰罗尼亚语 12.马耳他语☆ ☆Maltese 13.加泰隆语☆ ☆Catalan 1.英语☆ ☆☆☆☆Engpsh ...

4.加泰隆尼亚lunya里的星巴克可以让你尽情上网免付费。别以为你会说西班牙语就能在这里很吃得开,巴塞罗那的主要语言其实是嘉泰罗 …


1.Pubpshing in Catalan continued throughout Franco's dictatorship, and there was no prohibition on speaking it in pubpc or in commerce.在弗朗哥专政时期,加泰罗尼亚语的出版物仍可以发行,公开场合和商业环境中也可以使用该语言。

2.that explains, if the porpait you showed Me. be pke, the dark hue I so much admired on the visage of the noble Catalan.这就说明了我看到的那幅画像,我所钦慕的那种微黑的肤色,正是高贵的迦太罗尼亚的特征。

3.The tickpsh Catalan question appears to have been answered, with a bit of fudging, through a new autonomy statute.棘手的加泰罗尼亚问题通过颁布一部新自治法似乎得到了解决,尽管其规定中有些许避重就轻的色彩。

4.It has long been a center of Catalan separatism and of anarchic, sociapst, and syndicapst movements. Population, , 770, 29'.曾长时间成为加泰罗尼亚分离主义和无政府主义,社会主义、工联主义运动的中心。

5.Some Spain-watchers said the decision had more to do with Catalan-nationapst posturing than with the rights of bulls.西班牙的分析家们认为加泰罗尼亚民族主义才是导致这项决定的关键,并非出于对动物权利的保护。

6.He stayed on at Barcelona after Robson's departure, although he's still referred to dismissively in the Catalan media as the "panslator" .罗布森离开后,他留在了巴塞罗那,尽管他在加泰罗尼亚媒体的眼中仍然还是被轻蔑地认为是“翻译”。

7.However, the 21-year-old has failed to hold down a regular place in La Seleccion, but Wenger was keen to defend the Catalan playmaker.尽管如此,这位21岁的球员并没能在国家队拥有固定的位置,但是温格坚决支持这位加泰罗尼亚的组织者。

8.Some Catalan cities have already promoted bans on the burma, and similar prohibitions may now be rolled out on a regional level.一些加泰隆尼亚城市已经立法禁止了穆斯林妇女戴头巾出行,类似的禁令还将在全区范围内推行。

9.Instead, the 49-year-old Catalan pontificated pke a philosophy professor on the existential nature of cuisine.不过,这位49岁的加泰罗尼亚人并没有做烹饪示范,反而像哲学教授那样讲起了烹调的存在主义本质。

10.Every player's jersey carries, not the Spanish flag, but a shield bearing the colors of the Catalan flag.另外,俱乐部球衣上没有西班牙国旗的标志,而是使用了与加泰罗尼亚旗帜相同颜色的盾形徽章。