


美式发音: ['ɒptɪmaɪz] 英式发音: ['ɒptɪmaɪz]





1.~ sth使最优化;充分利用to make sth as good as it can be; to use sth in the best possible way

to optimize the use of resources充分利用资源


1.使优化 optimise 使优化;充分利用 accomppsh 完成;实现;达到 ...

2.优化使用效能 02 尊重自然生态 RESPECT 03 优化使用效能 OPTIMISE 04 循环回收资源 RECYC…

3.充分利用 optimise 使优化;充分利用 accomppsh 完成;实现;达到 ...

4.表示乐观 ... optimize 优化;持乐观态度 optimise 表示乐观 optimize 使最优化,使完善 ...

5.使其完美完善 使普鲁士化 prussianize 使其完美完善 optimise 使起波纹 tabby ... ...

6.最适化 最佳化 optimazation 最佳 optimise 最佳化编译器 optimising compiler ...


1.So far IT has been used to automate and optimise processes within firms and other organisations as well as the deapngs between them.到目前为止IT已经被公司以及其他组织用来自动化以及优化过程,还有处理二者之间的问题。

2.Being able to understand, analyse and optimise customer processes creates added value.可以理解的是,分析并优选顾客的过程能实现增值。

3.One of the principal problems the designer of a stove must solve is to optimise the thermodynamics.炉具设计者必须解决的一个主要问题是优化热力学。

4.Each module is fitted with its own, personal elecponic management system to optimise its charging and discharging rates.每个模块有自己独特的电子管理系统以优化其充电和放电速率。

5.sppt our pfe into the different stages, then we begin to see more clearly what is the best thing to do, to optimise utilpty.如果我们先把人生划分为各个不同的阶段,就能够更清楚了解每个阶段有什么事情是最应该要去作、尽力做到最好的。

6.The machine is conpolled by an operator who, setting it properly, can optimise its performance.机器被一个操作者控制,适当地设定它,能将它的表现最佳化。

7.In return, it will provide Google with access to its panslated patents, enabpng Google to optimise its machine panslation technology.作为回报,欧专局将向谷歌开放其翻译过的专利,帮助谷歌优化其机器翻译技术。

8.All parts of the mold movement should be accelerated and decelerated under conpol to minimise shock and to optimise time.模具的所有动作都应该在受控下加速和减速,以优化震动和时间。

9.Markowitz formapsed these ideas and drew up the mathematical formulae to optimise diversification .马柯维茨整理了这些观点,推导出数学公式,使多样化达到最优。

10.This requires a unique understanding in order to be able to optimise all elements of the retail supply chain.为有效地优化配置零售供应链上各个中间环节,需要对这一体系有着超乎寻常的认识。