




1.神秘园从仁寺洞王冠酒店到市政厅仅有5分钟的路程,10分钟可至东大门市场,5分钟至神秘园(Secret-Garden),酒店的附近有很多 …


1.It was the children's classic story, The Secret Garden, that fired her imagination about a counpy full of romance and adventure.一部儿童名著《神秘园》激发了她对这个浪漫冒险的国度的想象。

2.It's a brand-new park called "Secret Garden " which provides pet owners with a place in which to scatter remains.这处叫做「秘密花园」的公园,可以让饲主将自己宠物的骨灰洒在园区内。

3.The next day Mary met Dickon as usual in the secret garden, and told him about Copn.第二天玛丽像往常一样在秘密花园里见到狄肯,她告诉他柯林的事。

4.She was walking beside the long wall of the secret garden, when a most wonderful thing happened.她正在秘密花园长长的围墙外走着,一件惊人的事情发生了。

5.The secret garden "seems to be the secret garden" of the wound.《过隐园》似乎是《迂隐园》之误。

6.Wild went Dickson with excitement when he discovered the door, hidden under the ivy leaves, to the secret garden.当迪克森发现了掩藏在长青藤下的通往秘密花园的门时,他兴奋地忘乎所以了。

7.As a child I always had a secret world and my favorite book was "A Secret Garden. "当我小时候,我总有一个秘密世界而且我最喜爱的书是『秘密花园』。

8.Mary skipped all the way to the secret garden wall. And there was the robin! He had followed her! Mary was very pleased.玛丽一路跳着来到秘密花园的墙外,知更鸟也在那儿!它是跟着她来的,玛丽高兴极了。

9.Mary spent nearly a week working in the secret garden.玛丽花了将近一个星期的时间在秘密花园里干活儿。

10.Her masterpiece The Secret Garden tells a story of a small girls journey from apenation to harmony with nature.弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特是一位卓有成就的儿童文学作家,她的代表作《秘密花园》讲述了一个小女孩从疏离到与自然和谐共处的过程。