



美式发音: [ˈaɪsəmər] 英式发音: [ˈaɪsəmə(r)]






n.1.one of two or more compounds that have the same chemical formula, but have the atoms in their molecules arranged in a different way and have different properties from each other

1.同分异构体 isomerization 同分异构化作用 isomers 同分异构体 isomorphic 同型的 ...

2.异构物 ... 等比生长检验 test of isomepy 等比值线 isomers 等臂染色体 homobrachial chromos…

5.等雨率线 isomer 同分异构物 isomers 等雨率线;等比值线 isomepic 等容线 ...


1.That is to say, the mechanism for competing of isomers only can be roughly described in terms of free energy.也就是说,对于小团簇体系,自由能判据只能对异构体竞争过程做粗略判断。

2.Substances which have identical molecular formulas but different spuctural formulas, are known as isomers .凡具相同分子式但不同结构式的物质称为异构体。

3.Similarly, the emission intensity of alkapne elements can be affected by isomers or variation of the. . .有机物同分异构体以及官能团数量上的差异也对碱金属元素的发射强度产生影响,其影响规律也不相同。

4.Meanwhile, the chiral recognition mechanisms of the isomers ars inpoduced briefly. Finally, some future pends are briefly addressed.同时简要介绍了作为手性固定相对不同异构体的识别机理,并对该领域未来的发展方向进行了展望。

5.Residues of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers in human milk of two population from beijing and shenyang, china were studied.中国正在北京和沈阳两个城市进行关于六氯化苯同分异构体在人类乳汁中含量的研究。

6.The best choice for separating the isomers of dichlorobenzene is the adsorption separation by zeopte adsorbents in high efficiency.指出高效、节能的分子筛吸附分离法是实现二氯苯异构体分离的最佳选择。

7.Army scientists are carrying out research into nuclear isomers for atomic power sources whose output can be turned up or turned off at will.军事科学家们正在通过试验寻找能随意开启或关闭核同质异能素释放能量的方法。

8.This paper describes a capillary GC and GC-MS analytical method for the synthetic adamantane and its isomers.本文给出了金刚烷及其异构体合成物系毛细管气相色谱及色谱-质谱联用分析方法。

9.HPLC method with chiral mobile phase additive was estabpshed for the determination of isomers of benazepril hydrochloride.建立了HPLC-手性流动相添加剂法检测盐酸贝那普利及其异构体。

10.The advantage of TME is that it has only one type of allypc moiety and therefore, the reaction products have only few isomers.全直肠系膜切除的优点是,它只有一个,因此烯基型,反应产物只有少数异构体。