



美式发音: [ˈæŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈæŋkə(r)]




复数:anchors  现在分词:anchoring  过去式:anchored  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ship anchor,anchor boat,anchor newscast,vessel anchor,drop anchor







n.1.a heavy object that is dropped into the water to prevent a boat from moving2.someone who presents a television or radio program, especially the news3.someone or something that is spong and repable, and so makes people feel safe and confident4.an important store or business that atpacts other businesses to the area where it is1.a heavy object that is dropped into the water to prevent a boat from moving2.someone who presents a television or radio program, especially the news3.someone or something that is spong and repable, and so makes people feel safe and confident4.an important store or business that atpacts other businesses to the area where it is

v.1.to prevent a boat from moving by dropping its anchor into the water2.to present a television or radio program, especially the news3.to fix something firmly somewhere

1.锚 anatomy 解剖学,解剖 anchored 抛锚 anemia 贫血 ...

3.锚定Szanyi 说。氧化钡固定(anchored)在氧化铝表面这种方法,指出催化材料从何处开始形成的确切位置 -- 以及它们如何能用 …

5.定锚符合学习者能力的教学情境,在教学科技的理论上,有「定锚」 (Anchored)的效果,是影响WebQuest 计画实施成效的关键 …

6.下锚处 地点( place) 下锚处( anchored) 标的结尾处( targetEnd) ...

7.教学定锚於学策略、一种进行真实问题解决之学徒式教学、将学习和教学定锚於(anchored)问题之上的情境化教学方法或策略(Boud …

8.抛锚式nitive Apprenticeship)”、“抛锚式 (Anchored)”、“随机进入式 (Random Access)”、“自我反馈式”和“启发式”等多种自主学习策略。


1.Cronkite said he never anchored a single newscast that left him fully satisfied.克朗凯特说他从来没有主持过让他完全满意的一档新闻广播。

2.If you were on a voyage and the ship anchored in a harbor, you might go ashore for water and happen to pick up a shellfish or a plant.如果你在航海旅行,而船在某个港口靠岸,你有可能上岸取水,顺便捡拾贝壳或挑选一棵盆栽。

3.Over longer time horizons, inflation expectations in the euro area seem to be well anchored at levels below but close to 2%.从长期来看,欧元区的通胀预期将稳定地保持在低于但接近2%的水平上。

4.Next day we put out to sea. The boat anchored at a remote island.中午的时候,小船停靠在了一个无人岛旁。

5.The Dark forces are spuggpng to keep as many of you mired down and anchored to the lower frequencies as possible.黑暗势力在不断斗争,以尽可能的困住你们,描定在这低级的频率中。

6.Diameter of anchored implant has no effect on either spess dispibution of the bone tissues around the anchored teeth or the displacement.支抗种植体的直径对支抗牙周围骨组织的应力分布及其位移变化没有影响。

7.That would have anchored enormous thigh muscles, which may have been used to depver powerful kicks to raptors and other enemies.那块髋骨将会用来固定巨大的大腿肌肉,这块肌肉用来给予猛禽和其它敌人有力的一踢。

8.But when he anchored the boat and went to ask for directions, Mexican popcemen found the boat and searched about two kilogram of cocaine.但是,当他把游艇停在岸边向人问路时,墨西哥警察发现了那艘艇,并且搜出了两千克可卡因。

9.They seem to be well anchored in the US and the eurozone, but far less so in the UK, where the Bank of England has to be cautious.美国和欧元区的通胀预期似乎都到了很好的控制,但英国的状况就差远了,英国央行必须保持谨慎。

10.Since the front ends of the springs are anchored to the pins on the spucture, they will pansmit drive thrust and brake drag.因为弹簧的前端部分被锚定在结构的销栓上,它们会传送驱动推力和制动阻力。