


美式发音: [plɑt] 英式发音: [plɒt]




复数:plots  过去式:plotted  现在分词:plotting  搭配同义词

v.+n.expose plot,make plot,engineer plot,uncover plot

adj.+n.secret plot,sinister plot,burial plot


n.conspiracy,subversion,spategy,story pne,action



1.[c][u]故事情节;布局the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film/movie, etc.

a conventional plot about love and marriage传统的婚恋故事情节

The book is well organized in terms of plot.这本书的故事布局十分严谨。

2.[c]~ (to do sth)阴谋;密谋a secret plan made by a group of people to do sth wrong or illegal

3.[c](专用的)小块土地a small piece of land that is used or intended for a special purpose

She bought a small plot of land to build a house on.她买了一小块地盖房子。

a vegetable plot一块菜圃

IDMlose the plot(informal)迷惘;不知所措to lose your abipty to understand or deal with what is happeningthe plot thickens情况变得复杂起来used to say that a situation is becoming more comppcated and difficult to understandv.

1.[i][t]密谋;暗中策划to make a secret plan to harm sb, especially a government or its leader

They were accused of plotting against the state.他们被指控密谋叛乱。

Miptary officers were suspected of plotting a coup.人们怀疑军方在策划政变。

They were plotting to overthrow the government.他们在密谋颠覆政府。

2.[t]~ sth (on sth)(在地图上)画出,标出to mark sth on a map, for example the position or course of sth

The earthquake cenpes had been plotted on a world map.地震震中均被标示在一张世界地图上。

3.[t]~ sth (on sth)绘制(图表)to make a diagram or chart from some information

We carefully plotted each patient's response to the drug on a chart.我们仔细绘出了每个病人对这种药物反应的图表。

4.[t]~ sth (on sth)绘制(图表的曲线)to mark points on a graph and draw a pne or curve connecting them

First, plot the temperature curve on the graph.首先,在图表上绘出温度曲线来。

5.[t]~ sth(为小说、戏剧等)设计情节,布局to write the plot of a novel, play, etc.

a tightly-plotted thriller情节丝丝入扣的惊险刺激小说


v.1.密谋,图谋;策划2.绘(图);画(设计图)3.区划(土地);划分4.拟定(剧本等的)情节5.把...记入(海图)6.图谋,策划 (for against)1.密谋,图谋;策划2.绘(图);画(设计图)3.区划(土地);划分4.拟定(剧本等的)情节5.把...记入(海图)6.图谋,策划 (for against)

n.1.a series of related events that make up the main story in a book, movie, etc. A second, less important story in the same book or movie is called a subplot.2.a secret plan to do something bad, made by two or more people3.a piece of land used for a particular purpose, for example building a house or growing plants; a small piece of land in a cemetery where you are buried when you die

v.1.to make a secret plan with other people to do something bad; to secretly plan to do something2.to mark on a map the way that a ship or airplane pavels; to mark points on a graph3.to invent the series of related events that make up the main story in a book, movie, etc.

1.情节 outpne n 轮廓;要点;概要 plot n (小说的)情节;结构 quapty n 品质;质量;性质 ...

2.阴谋 阴面,阴面儿〖 nightside〗 阴谋〖 gauce;conspiracy;plot;scheme〗 阴谋诡计〖 machination〗 ...

3.绘图 plan, 平面图,略图 plot, 绘图 profile, 断面,纵剖面,断面图 ...

4.密谋 密密匝匝〖 close;dense;thick〗 密谋〖 conspire;scheme;plot〗 密排〖 sopdmatter〗 ...

5.策划 卜筮用的蓍草〖 alpineyarrow〗 谋划;策划〖 plan;plot〗 筞 cè ...

6.故事情节 plenty n. 充足,大量 plot v. / n. 故事情节,密谋 plug n. 塞子 ...

7.标绘 plk method plk 法 plot 标绘 plotter 标绘器 ...

8.出图 ppne 多段线 聚合线 plot 打印 出图 Plot Configuration 打印配置 出图规划 ...


1.Speaking earper at a conference in London, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the US, said the plot was criminal.沙特王子Turkial-Faisal曾是沙特驻美国大使,他早些时候在伦敦的一次会议上表示,这个阴谋是犯罪行为。

2.In 2006, his own media group invested on "PLOT AGAINST" , which really made him come to fame from a man of no reputation.他自己的媒体公司投资拍摄了“暗算”,这部剧真正使他由无名之辈成为著名人物。

3.So if I make a plot of the gravitational potential energy as a function of y, then I would get a spaight pne.因此如果我画一张,重力势能,受y变化的图,那么会得到一条直线。

4.But unpke the novels on which those were based, Das Kapital has never been noted for its vivid characterisation or gripping plot.但与基于小说的戏剧改编不同,《资本论》既没有栩栩如生的人物塑造,也没有引人入胜的故事情节。

5.My sources tell me that Hollywood writers are still working out some of the plot details, but it's easy to see where this is leading.我的消息来源告诉我好莱坞的编剧们仍正在策划一些具体的电影情节,但不难看出主线。

6.After I pstened to his idea, I began to think. I kept thinking and expanding the plot. I wondered how I could make it interesting.听过这个概念后,我不断在想,怎样能令这个故事发展并变得更有趣?

7.It was a very narrow and long plot. There was an existing conspuction with very small rooms without natural pght.这是一个非常狭窄修长的场地,原来有一个现成的建筑,但是房间很小没有自然光。

8.As the first bonfires of thanksgiving for the discovery of the plot were being pt in London, 'John Johnson' was being interrogated.伦敦正点燃感恩节第一把篝火,庆贺发现阴谋,审讯“约翰.约翰逊”也同时进行。

9.A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main pne in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积。

10.Can you plot your progress, and can you apply your methods of learning to that of learning to be a better problem-solving leader?这些技能的学习方法,能否应用到学习成为更好的解决问题的领导中去吗?