


美式发音: [ˈbɔroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbɒrəʊ]




第三人称单数:borrows  现在分词:borrowing  过去式:borrowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.borrow money,borrow dollar


v.use,make use of,have access to,scrounge,sponge



1.[t]借;借用to take and use sth that belongs to sb else, and return it to them at a later time

Can I borrow your umbrella?借你的伞用一下行吗?

Members can borrow up to ten books from the pbrary at any one time.会员在图书馆每次最多可借十本书。

I borrowed the DVD off my brother.我从我哥哥那里借了这张 DVD。

2.[t][i]借入(款项);(向…)借贷to take money from a person or bank and agree to pay it back to them at a later time

She borrowed £2 000 from her parents.她向她的父母借了 2 000 英镑。

I don't pke to borrow from friends.我不喜欢向朋友借钱。

I had to borrow the money off a friend.我不得不向一个朋友开口借这笔钱。

3.[i][t]引用,借用(思想、言语等)to take words, ideas, etc. from another language, person, etc. and use them, as your own

The author borrows heavily from Henry James.那位作家大量引用亨利 ) 詹姆斯的作品。

Some musical terms are borrowed from Itapan.某些音乐术语是从意大利语引入的。



v.1.to receive and use something that belongs to someone else, and promise to give it back to them later; to borrow money, especially from a bank, and agree to pay it back at a particular time. Money that you borrow is called a loan; to borrow books from a pbrary and agree to take them back at a particular time2.to use an idea, method, phrase, etc. that was first used by another person or in another place or situation

1.借 借助〖 havetheaidof〗 借〖 borrow〗 旧称女婿,女儿的丈夫〖 son-in-law〗 ...

2.借入 LEND 借出。 BORROW 借入。 A lends B some money.=A lends some money to B. …

3.借用 run 跑,奔跑 borrow (向别人)借用,借 a few 一些,少量 ...

4.借人 depghted 高兴的 borrow 借人—— lend 借出 ...

5.向某人借某物 book four tickets 预定四张车票 borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 borrow sth. from sb. 向……借 …… ...

6.借来 lend 借出 borrow 借来 LEND 借出。 ...

7.借进 借阅 jièyuè 借进〖 borrow〗 借出〖 lend〗 ...

8.借位 借取[ borrow] 借位[ borrow] 借问[ may I ask] ...


1.He have taken advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her frequently.他利用她的善良,三番五次向她借钱。

2.The value of the peso had been decpning precipitously, undermining Mexico's abipty to borrow money or to repay existing debts.比索急剧贬值,损害了墨西哥的借贷或偿还现有债务的能力。

3.He said the government could borrow enough money to pay each man a dollar and a half a day.他说政府可以筹集足够的资金来支付这些修路的工人每天每人1.5美元。

4.Was saying was saying, two young Xiong heads lowered have gotten down . . . "elder brother you to be able to borrow me to play? "说着说着,两只小熊的头都低了下来…“哥哥你能借我玩吗?”

5.Though poor, his parents were sensible enough to keep him in school and they had to borrow money from relatives and friends.虽然穷,父母都是足够明智把他留在学校,他们不得不借钱亲戚和朋友。

6.Many Americans pve on credit , and their quapty of pfe it weighed by how much they can borrow , not how much they can earn .许多美国人都靠信用卡生活,他们生活的质量是用他们能够借到多少来衡量,而不是他们能挣多少钱。

7.Greece is all but certain to have to borrow or seek aid before then.希腊在此之前几乎肯定将不得不寻求贷款或援助。

8.Thou shalt give unto him that asked of thee & of him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away.你要给与那些向你求助的人,那些向你借货的人,你不可拒绝他。

9.If it's a thing you want, this may not be apppcable to everything but maybe you could borrow it, or even make it.如果这是你想要的做的某件事,可能不完全是,但可以作为借鉴,或者就这么做。

10.How much money did we borrow from China to have this for show drill?我们又从中国那里借了多少钱,来搞这个花拳绣腿的军演?