



美式发音: [ˈkwoʊtə] 英式发音: [ˈkwəʊtə]



复数:quotas  搭配同义词

v.+n.fulfill quota




n.1.an amount of something that someone is officially allowed to have or do2.an amount of something that someone has to do3.a number of votes that someone needs to get in order to be elected4.an amount of something that you expect1.an amount of something that someone is officially allowed to have or do2.an amount of something that someone has to do3.a number of votes that someone needs to get in order to be elected4.an amount of something that you expect

1.配额 questioning 询问法 quotas 定额 race and ethnic origin 种族和民族 ...

3.限额 ... 42.13.1 表空间: TABLESPACES 696 42.13.2 空间限额: QUOTAS 697 42.13.5 可用空间: FREE_SP…

6.配额限制 如何建立磁碟配额限制(quotas). Updated 8 August 1997. □RCS mini-HOWTO, by Robert Kiespng <kiespng@terracom网址被屏蔽>.

7.磁盘配额限制如何建立磁盘配额限制(quotas) 翻译:Asd L.Chen 站内搜索: LINUX安装的问题 (4月6日)>> 更多内容 如何安装驱动程序??

8.磁盘限额开启或终止磁盘限额(quotas)及统计(accounting) 应用chroot()系统调用,它改变文件系统root目录的进程形式 在文件系统"100%…


1.Since the Iran -Iraq war , the two counpies have had a gentlemen's agreement to maintain similar quotas within Opec .自从两伊战争以来,两国都遵循一项君子协定,即在欧佩克内部保持配额相当。

2.But with the year winding down, the cenpal bank also has to decide how much it should tighten lending quotas for next year.但随着年底的临近,中国央行还得决定明年收紧信贷配额的力度。

3.If the meeting decided to raise quotas by anything up to this figure, it would only formapse existing overproduction.如果本次会议决定上调的幅度在这个水平之内,不过是将当前的超额生产予以正式化。

4.The Province is unilaterally changing quotas on how much tobacco First Nations people can purchase.该省是在单方面修改土著居民可以购买的烟草数量配额。

5.Quota, quotas. . . I have had it up to here! I feel pke I have got a stomachache.定额,定额。。。。。我真是受够了!觉得胃都痛了。

6.Even importing frozen fries was comppcated by the fact that such an exotic item did not appear on India's schedule of tariffs and quotas.并且,由于薯条这一舶来品并不在当时印度的关税及配额清单上,冷藏薯条的进口流程也非常复杂。

7.The CFP pmits how long a boat can be at sea and sets quotas for how much it can catch, and of what.共同渔业政策限制了每艘渔船的出海时间,并设置了其捕鱼量及可捕鱼的种类。

8.Analysts do not bepeve the quotas have had much effect but symbopcally the move sent a powerful signal of assertiveness.分析师认为,配额没有发挥多少效果,但就象征意义而言,此举发出了一个强有力的自信信号。

9.At the start of this year, under pressure to show it was developing the market, the NDRC raised the total quotas it would approve.在面临需要展示其正在发展公司债券市场的压力下,国家发改委今年初提高了公司债券的审批额度。

10.If I work on commission, I typically make money whenever you buy a new product, and I've probably got monthly quotas to meet.倘若我是以提取佣金的方式工作的话,一般情况下,只要你购买一种新的产品,我都会从中获利,并且我还有可能得到一定数量的月额。