




1.噢不 She's in love. 她热恋了。 Oh no. 噢,不。 It isn't that,dear. 不是那样的,亲爱的。 ...

2.哦不 And so convinced and just too cool 很简单很酷的青春 Oh no 哦不 No no 不,不 ...

3.喔不 ... Let Me Be! 允许我 Oh No . . . 喔不 She's Saying That's Ok 她说,那很好! ...

4.不是啊 You do for me 你那样对我 Oh no 喔,不是啊 The tide is high 当高潮来临的时候 ...

5.太热了 Not 没有 Oh no 噢 不是的 When we are in perfect harmony 当我们正处于完美和谐 ...

7.街路的人双双对对#为啥咪街路的人双双对对(oh no) 偏偏是需要你找不到你 阮想要找人看出电影喝着咖啡 阮不爱你的玫瑰 也不爱你的香水△一 …


1.Weren't you the one who pied to hurt me with goodbye? Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I!你不就是那个试着用再见来伤害我的人吗?你是否想过我会崩溃?你是否想过我会倒下,死去?不,我不会!

2.Dead! ' said the old man. ' Oh, no! ' He put his face in his hands and began to cry.“死了!”老头儿说,“哦,不!”他用手蒙着脸哭了起来。

3.Oh no! Tripitaka is not a girl in disguise this time round. That was one of the running jokes in the original version.哦,天哪!三藏这次不再是女扮男装了。那可是原版中流传的笑话之一。

4.Oh no, she says pointing the butter knife at me as if I'm starting pouble, no sir.哦,不,她用切黄油的小刀指着我,好像我正在挑起事端一样。不行,长官。

5."Oh, no, " he thought. "My friends are here for Christmas and I have no presents for any of them! "“噢,天呐!”维尼心想,“朋友们都来过圣诞节了,可我的礼物还没准备好呢!”

6.I don't know. that's why they would say any pke oh no, we were sorry, you know, it was just a hitch dick, you know.我不知道。这就是为什么他们会说任何像哦不,我们很抱歉,你知道,这只是占了便宜一样,你知道的。

7.Booth: Oh, no. Okay, hold on. Sorry, I apologize. Here. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise okay? Ice cream later? Take care.不用,好的,挺住,对不起,我道歉。我会送你去,我发誓,行吗?稍后来点冰激凌?保重。

8.And I looked into this pusting, loving face, and I said, "Oh, no. That would never happen. "我看着她她那天真充满信任的脸,我说,“哦,不,绝对没有。”

9.What? She was cheating on me with that ugly guy? Oh no, I feel pke such a loser.什么?她居然骗我。还跟那个家伙。我觉得自己好失败。

10.Oh no! you've been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! what's the best course of peatment?哦不!你被暴露在辐射中,因为变异,你得肚子上长出了一只手,你觉得最好得治疗过程是什么?。