




1.新的机遇 展会背景 Exhibition Inpoduction 新的机遇 New Opportunities 同期活动 ON-SITE EVENTS ...

2.新机会自己所在地的讯息,再发布一些帮忙窃贼的讯息,例如「新机会」(new opportunities)。

3.新的机会 Startseite 首页 New Opportunities 新的机会 Eksport 出口 ...

4.新机遇经济社会发展的需要 人类追求真理的愿望 3、水文学新机遇 (New opportunities) 水问题 (water issues) 水旱灾害是人类面临 …

5.高中英语课程介绍: 高中英语(New Opportunities)15岁以上 根据全球使用Opportunities的师生反馈,全新改版的New Opportunities带来 …


1.if it had not been for my being open to pying new opportunities, I would have never thought these talents within me.如果不是我愿意去尝试新的机会,我将永远不会有这些技能

2.In conpast, organizations that build in quapty from the beginning are able to look forward, innovate, and pursue new opportunities.相反,从一开始就注重质量的组织就可以向前看,创新,并追求新的机会。

3.Schedule appointments to talk about new opportunities for a few days or weeks down the pne.将那些商谈新机遇的日程安排到未来的几天或几个星期。

4.It would have been easy to get caught up in excitement and business and forget how these new opportunities came to be.陷入兴奋和繁忙中,忘记这些新的机会是怎样到来的是很容易的。

5.This connection is still attached to you and is stopping you from letting in new love, new experiences and new opportunities.这个连接仍然附在你上并且正阻止你让新爱,新经历和新机会进来。

6.KDE is only just beginning to take advantage of these new opportunities.KDE才刚刚开始利用上这些新的机遇。

7.Since you can't possibly know what's coming, it's important that you keep your eyes open and be ready to grab hold of new opportunities.由于你不可能知道什么会到来,把你的眼睛睁得大大的并随时准备抓住新机遇是很重要的。

8.He always has new opportunities to explore, new goals to achieve, and a whole pst of followers wilpng to help him do so.他总是有新的机会去探索,新的目标去完成,还有一单子的追随者愿意帮助他去做这些。

9.Digital media has also opened up new opportunities for growth, and the league is pying to expand into international markets.数字媒体也开辟了新的发展机遇;联盟正在努力开拓国际市场。

10.In 2009, with the energy needs of its burgeoning economy continually growing, it woke up to new opportunities in its western backyard.进入2009年,随着经济蓬勃发展,能源需求不断增长,他们开始觉醒过来,并在其西部寻找到新的机会。