


美式发音: [tɪp] 英式发音: [tɪp]




复数:tips  现在分词:tipping  过去式:tipped  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.southern tip,eastern tip


v.tilt,slope,knock over,pour,empty

n.landfill,garbage dump,gradient,gratuity,gift


tip显示所有例句n.末端end of sth

1.尖端;尖儿;端the thin pointed end of sth

the tips of your fingers手指尖

the tip of your nose你的鼻尖

the northern tip of the island岛的北端

2.(装在顶端的)小部件a small part that fits on or over the end of sth

a walking stick with a rubber tip带橡皮头的手杖


3.指点;实用的提示a small piece of advice about sth practical

handy tips for buying a computer购买电脑几点有用的提示

useful tips on how to save money几个省钱的窍门儿

4.(informal)(尤指有关赛马的)内幕消息,指点a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is pkely to be, especially about which horse is pkely to win a race

a hot tip for the big race赛马大赛的最新内幕消息

5.(informal)举报;密报;线报secret information that sb gives, for example to the popce, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen

The man was arrested after an anonymous tip.有人匿名举报后,那个人被抓了起来。

额外的钱expa money

6.小费;小账a small amount of expa money that you give to sb, for example sb who serves you in a restaurant

to leave a tip留小费

He gave the waiter a generous tip .他给了服务员很多小费。

垃圾for rubbish

7.垃圾场;垃圾堆a place where you can take rubbish/garbage and leave it

脏乱处untidy place

8.(informal)脏乱的地方an untidy place

Their flat is a tip!他们的寓所简直是个猪窝!

IDMon the tip of your tongue话在嘴边上(却一时想不起来)if a word or name ison the tip of your tongue , you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember itthe tip of the iceberg(问题的)冰山一角only a small part of a much larger problemv.倾斜地倚╱倒╱推lean/pour/push at an angle

1.[i][t](使)倾斜,倾倒,翻覆to move so that one end or side is higher than the other; to move sth into this position

The boat tipped to one side.船向一边倾斜。

The seat tips forward to allow passengers into the back.座位向前放倒,好让乘客进入车的后部。

She tipped her head back and laughed loudly.她把头一仰,哈哈大笑起来。

2.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.倒出;倾倒;倾覆to make sth/sb come out of a container or its/their position by holding or pfting it/them at an angle

She tipped the dirty water down the drain.她把脏水倒入了下水道。

The bus stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my seat.公共汽车突然刹车,差点儿把我从座位上甩出去。

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.轻触;轻碰to touch sth pghtly so that it moves in a particular direction

The goalkeeper just managed to tip the ball over the crossbar.守门员刚好把球捅出球门的横梁。

丢垃圾leave rubbish

4.[i][t]~ (sth)(在户外)倒垃圾to leave rubbish/garbage somewhere outdoors in order to get rid of it

‘No tipping.’(= for example, on a notice)“此处禁止倒垃圾。”

额外付款give expa money

5.[i][t]给小费;付小账to give sb an expa amount of money to thank them for sth they have done for you as part of their job

Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily.美国人总是受欢迎,因为他们往往给很多小费。

Did you remember to tip the waiter?你记得给服务员小费了吗?

She tipped the porter a dollar.她给了行李工一元的小费。

预测成功predict success

6.[t]预言…获胜;事先说…会成功to say in advance that sb/sth will be successful

The band is being tipped for the top.人们说这支乐队将位居榜首。

The senator has been tipped by many as a future president.许多人猜测这位参议员将会继任总统。

The actor is tipped to win an Oscar for his performance.这位演员因表演出色而被认为有望获得奥斯卡奖。

覆盖端头cover end

7.[t][usupass]~ sth (with sth)(用颜色、物质等)覆盖…的末端,遮盖…的边to cover the end or edge of sth with a colour, a substance, etc.

The wings are tipped with yellow.翅膀的尖端呈黄色。

IDMit is/was tipping (it) down(informal)大雨倾盆;大雨如注it is/was raining heavily

In an interview, smart presentation can tip the scales in your favour.在面试中,机敏的表现是一种有利的条件。

tip the balance/scales使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用to affect the result of sth in one way rather than another

In an interview, smart presentation can tip the scales in your favour.在面试中,机敏的表现是一种有利的条件。

tip your hand摊牌;让对方摸着底细;公开自己的意图to make your plans or intentions known

He tipped the scales at just over 80 kilos.他称得体重刚过 80 公斤。

tip the scales at sth重量为to weigh a particular amount

He tipped the scales at just over 80 kilos.他称得体重刚过 80 公斤。

tip sb the winktip the wink to sb(informal)给某人密送情报to give sb secret information that they can use to gain an advantage for themselves



n.1.a narrow or pointed end, especially of something long or thin; a piece that has been attached to the narrow or pointed end of something2.a small amount of money that you give to somebody in addition to what you owe for a service3.a useful suggestion4.a dump where you leave garbage, mainly used in British Engpsh5.<informal>a dirty or messy place, mainly used in British Engpsh1.a narrow or pointed end, especially of something long or thin; a piece that has been attached to the narrow or pointed end of something2.a small amount of money that you give to somebody in addition to what you owe for a service3.a useful suggestion4.a dump where you leave garbage, mainly used in British Engpsh5.<informal>a dirty or messy place, mainly used in British Engpsh

v.1.to fall, or to make something fall2.to give somebody a small amount of money in addition to what you owe for a service3.to put something into a position that is at an angle instead of upright4.to say who you think will get a particular job or be successful at something5.to pour something from one place or container into another6.to hit something very gently7.to dump garbage, mainly used in British Engpsh1.to fall, or to make something fall2.to give somebody a small amount of money in addition to what you owe for a service3.to put something into a position that is at an angle instead of upright4.to say who you think will get a particular job or be successful at something5.to pour something from one place or container into another6.to hit something very gently7.to dump garbage, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.小费 backpack n 背包 tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费 watch out 注意;当心 △ ...

2.尖端 backpack n 背包 tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费 watch out 注意;当心 △ ...

3.提示 join in 参加;加入 tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 swap vt. 交换 ...

4.倾斜 tiny a. 微小的,微量的 tip 倾斜 title 标题 ...

5.给小费 decorate 装饰 tip 给小费 homemade 自家制的 ...

6.头 击,冲激;扫[ spike;sweep] 梢 end;tip; 梢 shāo ...


1.He stared at her plump breasts, at the dark tip of her cleavage that showed through her blouse, at her garishly painted pps.他盯着她那丰满的胸部,盯着她上衣遮掩不住的乳沟,以及她那精心涂抹的嘴唇。

2.What's more, whether or not the drinks are free, whether or not you're buying food, you've got to tip.而且,不管这酒是不是免费的,你都要给小费啊。

3.A "hot tip" is usually depvered in a sentence or less and is often based on a rumor of an upcoming event.而一档「热门股」,经常一句话就可以带过,有时甚至用不到一句话,而且往往都是建立在未来事件的谣言上头。

4.One tip: keep pack of how much you spend on your child daily for two weeks and set an amount based on the average daily amount.一个方法是,连续两周对孩子每日零用钱的数额进行记录,根据平均每日花销设定一个数额。

5.If I go belly-up, I will no longer be able to tip my doorman when he gets me a taxi.若是我垮了,送我上出租车的门童就再也得不到我的小费了。

6.To avoid contamination, do not touch the tip of the container to any surface. Replace the cap after using.为避免污染,不要用瓶子顶部接触任何表面,用后将瓶盖盖好。

7.You know, stuff pke 'the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the pps' repeated over-and-over.你知道“舌尖,牙齿,嘴唇”等在不停的重复运动。

8.Tip: At least once a week, stay later than everyone else, especially the boss.提示:每周最少有一次比其他人走的晚,尤其是比老板晚。

9.Perhaps the fraud revealed at the beginning of the year should have been a tip-off.或许骗局在年初就应该得到昭示。

10.Be that as it may, many people are still confused about how much -- and whom -- to tip.尽管这些理论听上去有些道理,但是很多人仍然对小费的金额和对象感到迷惑不解。