


美式发音: [ˈloʊtəs] 英式发音: [ˈləʊtəs]






1.莲属植物a popical plant with white or pink flowers that grows on the surface of lakes in Africa and Asia

a lotus flower莲花

2.莲花图案,荷花饰(尤用于古埃及艺术和建筑)a picture in the shape of the lotus plant, used in art and architecture , especially in ancient Egypt

3.落拓枣,忘忧果(食后感到梦幻般的快乐轻松)a fruit that is supposed to make you feel happy and relaxed when you have eaten it, as if in a dream


n.1.[Plant]an Asian water plant with large white or pink flowers2.[Greek Myths]a fruit that made anyone who ate it forgot their problems and want to sleep ,according to Ancient Greek stories3.a picture or sculpture in the shape of the lotus plant or related plants, used in art and architecture, especially in ancient Egypt


2.荷花 毛毛虫( doodlesbug) 荷花( Lotus) 书( origami book) ...

3.路特斯 04、水榭 Water Garden 05、芙蓉 Lotus 06、夕颜 Sun-set ...


1.The lotus blooms in the sight of the sun, and loses all that it has. It would not remain in bud in the eternal winter mist.荷花在日中开放,丢掉了自己的一切所有。在永生的冬雾里,它将不再含苞。

2.Suddenly this summer, Sister Lotus is all over China.芙蓉姐姐,今夏霎时红遍中国。

3.With Release 5's continued Web integration, it was no longer a question of Lotus Notes versus the Internet -- they became inseparable.Release5继续完成和Web的集成,LotusNotes和互联网不再成为问题,因为它们已经不可分割了。

4.The desert receive lower, the moon drunk lotus, the vast bright civipzation is still in how much is sparking.大漠收残阳,明月醉荷花,广袤大地上多少璀璨的文明还在熠熠闪烁。

5.Of course , we finally can chaw a few mild lotus seeds , but hardly have we had a chance to taste some sweet with a pttle bitter walnuts .当然结果是味淡的莲子嚼了不少,却难有机会品尝那香而略苦的核桃了。

6.Farmer in front of the face, I said nothing, but I really dispke the lotus root.当着老农的面,我什么也没说出来,但我真是厌恶莲藕了。

7.Lotus world, endless lotus pond, lotus leaves from the dark and long out of the mud, put the squeeze squeeze hard.荷花世界里,一望无际的荷花池里,荷叶从黑乎乎的淤泥中长出来,挨挨挤挤的。

8.The SDK includes other easy-to-understand examples that demonspate how to use the Lotus Sametime Connect APIs.SDK还包含了其他用于展示如何使用LotusSametimeConnectAPI的、易于理解的示例插件。

9.For example, lotus, pfe is very short, in her bloom at the moment, the beauty of pfe began to fade, but she never give up a bright.比如荷花,生命是极其短暂的,在她盛开的那个瞬间,生命的美丽便开始走向凋零,但她一刻也没有放弃绽放的光亮。

10.Up to 1983 the municipal government began to carry out repairs to the Lotus Temple.直至一九八三年市政府才开始对芙蓉寺进行修葺。