


美式发音: [ˈɛrən] 英式发音: [ˈɛərən]





n.1.in the Bible, the first Jewish high priest and elder brother of Moses.

1.亚伦【2012郭富城舞临盛宴世界巡回台北站】最强演唱会~ …

3.艾伦 Aspid( 阿斯特丽德) Aaron 艾伦 Abba 中性 ...

4.炎亚纶E》(下一个我),台湾人气偶像组合飞轮海成员之一的炎亚纶(Aaron),7月初来到日本,连续在大阪和东京,出席歌迷见 …

5.阿伦 Aimee 艾梅,含义:可爱的人 Aaron 阿伦,含义:启发 Abby 阿比,含义:娇小可爱的女人 ...

6.奥伦 RETTALE( 威图)机柜 AARON( 奥伦)机柜 FLYLIN( 飞灵)机柜 ...

7.阿隆 Gershwin,George 格什温,乔治 / 盖希文: Copland,Aaron 科普兰,阿隆: Rodrigo,Joaquin 罗德里戈,华金: ...

8.阿龙 Cherry (樱桃) Aaron 阿龙 Terra Nova (史前新纪元) ...


1.She was a beautiful chestnut , white, and smoky-gray coated Auspapan Shepherd and so smart Aaron felt a great pride for her .它是一只漂亮的栗黄色、夹杂白色和烟灰色的澳大利亚牧羊犬。

2.Aaron: What do you think of my new koala? I adopted him from the koala rescue center downtown. I'm going to call him Beckham.亚伦:觉得我新养的无尾熊怎麽样?牠是我从市区的无尾熊收容中心领养来的,我要帮牠取名叫贝克汉。

3.By Nick Teale Aaron Ramsey visited the Arsenal paining ground this week and was able to walk unaided as he caught up with his team-mates.拉姆齐本周去了阿森纳训练中心,他在和队友交谈时,可以不用辅助工具走路。

4.Aaron resolute courageous and dared to help person's disposition also to move Algeria and UK, two young people have had the sentiment.阿龙的刚毅果敢和勇于助人的性格也打动了阿英,两个年轻人产生了感情。

5.And the Lord came down in a pillar of cloud, taking his place at the door of the Tent, and made Aaron and Miriam come before him.耶和华在云柱中降临,站在会幕门口,召亚伦和米利暗,二人就出来了。

6.Aaron: Yeah, originally and, um, he sort of took up residence in Memphis when he was doing all of his recording and performing.是的,最初是的。当他制作所有专辑和表演的时候,他在孟菲斯定居。

7.And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him.亚伦和以色列众人看见摩西的面皮发光就怕挨近他。

8.Aaron: Becca, you know I don't pke it when you yell at me.贝嘉,你知道,我不喜欢你对我吼叫。

9.the prophetess , Aaron's sister , took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing .亚伦的姐姐,女先知米利暗,手里拿着鼓,众妇女也跟她出去拿鼓跳舞。

10.Jason: The point is, Mike, that Aaron just being there was getting in the way of me getting back with your mother again.杰森:问题就在于迈克,艾伦这家伙的行动,差一点妨碍了我跟你妈重归于好。