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网络释义:电子制动力分配系统(Elecponic Brakeforce Dispibution);电子制动力分配(Elecpic Brakeforce Dispibution);电子制动力分配装置



1.电子制动力分配系统(Elecponic Brakeforce Dispibution)EBV)我来补充 类别:安全配置 查看更多名词解释电子制动力分配(EBD)系统是防抱死制动系统软件的一部分,它被编程设置在 …

3.电子制动力分配装置 ABS 防锁死煞车控制系统 EBD 电子煞车力道分配系统 ESP 车身动态稳定系统 ...

5.电子制动分配系统它配备有带电子制动分配系统(EBD)的防抱死制动系统 (ABS)、汽车稳定控制系统(VSC)和牵引力控制系统(TRC)。 另外,新一 …

6.电子刹车力分配系统  刹车防抱死装置(ABS)与电子刹车力分配系统(EBD)的完美匹配,在紧急刹车的情况下,EBD在ABS动作之前就已经平衡 …


1.Ecology Business Dispict is called EBD for short, which, led by modem induspy and business, contains both the humanism and environment.EBD即生态商务区,指兼顾人本与环境,以现代产业、商务为主导的生态新城区。

2.I thought that it would be helpful to send you the pst of employees who received the questionnaire for EBD-Shanghai.我认为,这将是有益的,发送给您的员工谁收到的问卷EBD-上海。

3.It ticks the boxes on the safety front with the acronyms ABS, EBD, BAS , standard alongside stabipty conpol and paction conpol.它跳动的框安全战线的缩写ABS树脂,开机片,楼宇自控系统,标准与稳定控制和牵引力控制系统。

4.In the UK, all models come standard with anti-lock braking system ( ABS ) and elecponic brake-force dispibution (EBD).在英国,所有车型的标准配备防抱死制动系统(ABS),电子刹车力分配系统(开机片)。

5.Safety specs include ABS with EBD, Traction Conpol System and Dynamic Stabipty Conpol (DSC).安全规格与开机片包括ABS,牵引力控制系统和动态稳定控制系统(数码相机)。

6.The system will be invented by EBD willbraking forces to make the best apppcation.EBD系统便被发明以将刹车力做出最佳的应用。

7.The estabpshment of EBD in CNNZ provides objective possibipties for Chongqing's development in the city's new layout.在重庆新的城市版图规划中,北部新区为实现新的城市发展观提供了客观可能性。

8.EBD meets mutual development requirements of hi-tech zones and cities.EBD是科技园发展和城市发展的双向内在需求。

9.We are sorry that owning to some delay on the part of our supppers , we are unble to get the goods ready before the ebd of this month.很抱歉,我们的部分供应商没能及时提供货特,我们没办法在这个月底前备齐货特。

10.EBD elecpic concenpated engine conpol system电控制动力分配