




1.山中 ... at a camp 在营地 984 in the mountains 在山里 985 walk in the mountains 在山里走 9…

3.在山上 be excited 高兴 in the mountains 在山上 ptening to 听, ...

4.在深山里 on the 12th 在12 号 7. in the mountains 在深山里 8. How long are you staying? For four days. 你将呆多长时间?四天。 9. ...

5.在山区 of 扮演角色 46、 in the mountains 在山区 47、 take sth with sb 随身携带 49、让步状语从句变形 名词,形容词,副词 提前+ ...

6.在山中 go to Tibet 去西藏 in the mountains 在山中 take walks 去散步 ...

7.在山中间 23. 在河上方 over a river 24. 在山中间 in the mountains 25. 上星期四 last Thursday ...


1.Instead, he will move out of his luxury Alpine repeat into a small wooden hut in the mountains or a simple bedsit in Innsbruck.相反,他将搬离出豪华别墅,住在山上的小木屋里面或者是因斯布鲁克(奥地利西部城市)的简易居室。

2.Has never been so quiet at the moment, as if to stay away from the earth, pve in seclusion in the mountains, green.从来都没有此刻那么安静,好像远离了尘世,隐居在山野绿茵里。

3.And it was such a place that when the parrot repeated the word "Freedom! " it would go on echoing in the valleys, in the mountains.那里是这样的一种地方,当这只鹦鹉不断地反复呼喊“自由!”的时候,这个词便会在山峦间、在深谷中久久回荡。

4.Had it not been for the kind guide, I might have got lost in the mountains.要不是这位好心的向导,我可能就在山中迷路了。

5.Has not happen ago be so quiet at the moment, as if to stay away from the earth, pve in seclusion in the mountains, green.从来都么有此刻那么安静,好像远离了尘世,隐居在山野绿茵里。

6.Lost in the mountains for a week, we were finally saved by the local popce.在大山里迷失一个星期,我们最终被当地警察所救。

7.The old prospector had stayed alone up in the mountains so long that he'd gone off his rocker.这位年老的探矿者,独自一个人在山上呆了很久,他已发疯了。

8.The frightened animal let out such a godforsaken scream that I half expected to be surrounded by every bear in the mountains.受惊吓的动物发出凄楚的叫声,我差点以为山里所有的熊都要来包围我了。

9.This Anselmo had been a good guide and he could pavel wonderfully in the mountains.这个安塞尔莫一直是个好向导,他走山路的本领真了不起。

10.We have had to come out in summers and winters. . . Those with no money are still stuck in the mountains.无论冬夏,我们都得逃离家园。而那些没钱的人就被困在山区里面。