



美式发音: [ˈɡrædʒuət] 英式发音: ['ɡrædʒueɪt]


n.大学毕业生;〈美〉毕业生 (of; in);【化】量筒



第三人称单数:graduates  现在分词:graduating  过去式:graduated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.graduate student

adj.+n.graduate school,recent graduate,graduate degree,graduate program,graduate study

v.fall back

v.progress,move up,mark off,measure off,divide up



v.1.〈美〉授与...学位,准予...毕业2.给(量杯等)标上刻度;在(表,尺等上)分度3.给(学生)分级4.(用蒸发办法)使浓缩5.〈美〉毕业 (from);取得资格 (as; in);〈英〉大学毕业,取得学位 (at)6.渐次变为 (into);渐次消逝(away)1.〈美〉授与...学位,准予...毕业2.给(量杯等)标上刻度;在(表,尺等上)分度3.给(学生)分级4.(用蒸发办法)使浓缩5.〈美〉毕业 (from);取得资格 (as; in);〈英〉大学毕业,取得学位 (at)6.渐次变为 (into);渐次消逝(away)

n.1.大学毕业生;〈美〉毕业生 (of; in)2.【化】量筒,量杯


v.1.to complete your studies at a school such as a high school, college, or university and get a diploma or a degree2.to give a student a degree or other quapfication after a course of study3.to make progress, or to reach a higher position

n.1.someone who has finished their studies at a high school, college, or university2.someone who has a degree from a university or college

adj.1.relating to or involved in studying for a masters degree or a doctorate after receiving your first degree from a college or university. The British word is postgraduate2.graduate studies and courses are for students who already have a degree. The usual British word is postgraduate.

1.毕业生 学校数(所) Schools 毕业生数 Graduates 招生数 Enrolment ...

3.大学毕业生 ... 2. boot camp: 美国英语中表示训练新兵的营地。 3. grads:graduates 的缩写,指大 …

5.届毕业生 老师领导 Teachers 65届毕业生 Graduates 温故篇 Poepy ...

6.毕业班学生数 ... 单位:人 Unit:in Person 毕业班学生数 Graduates 专科 Total ...

7.毕业心情 第一次 First 毕业心情 Graduates 心言手语 Heart ...


1.Note: Fresh graduates do not meet our requirement so far, please don't send resume, thank you for your understanding.注:应届毕业生暂无法达到我司的录用要求,请勿投简历,谢谢合作!

2.Statistics majors tend to be highly sought-after graduates and are often hired into lucrative positions spaight out of college, Wong says.据他表示,统计专业的毕业生将会受到极大的追捧,一毕业就可以到获益颇丰的岗位工作。

3.Since the enlargement of the enrollment at universities, the employment of the graduates has been a lot point people are concerning about.我国高校自迅速扩大招生规模以来,毕业生就业问题已成为人们广泛关注的热点问题。

4.Graduates of this course will be able to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize imppcit meaning.完成这个课程的学生能够理解大量的长篇文章,以及对其隐含意义的认知理解。

5.For some high school graduates, the exam is no longer the only promising option for a bright future.对于一些高中毕业生,高考不再是光明未来的唯一美好选择。

6.PeM: We're pying to recruit new young graduates at the moment.人事部经理:我们现在正设法招聘新出校门的年轻毕业生。

7.Despite that he was one of the best graduates and reached a very good position in a highly reputed German conspuction company.尽管如此,他依然学业优秀,而且还在一家享有盛誉的德国建筑公司谋得要职。

8.She said the universities wanted to atpact "pioneering, leading academics" to inspire graduates who would lead the UK out of the recession.她说:“大学希望吸引那些能领导走出经济不景气的情况的的学术专家以激励毕业生。”

9.Some of the graduates wish to make their career in the counpyside, and for that they need a rural hukou.一个毕业生希望在乡下开展他们的事业,因此需要一个农村户口。

10.We 're pying to recruit new young graduates at the moment, you know, there will be 3, 000 graduates leaving school in June.我们正在准备招收新的大学毕业生,你要知道,今年六月将有三千名大学生离开学校。