


美式发音: [pəˈlɪɡəmi] 英式发音: [pə'lɪɡəmi]








1.一夫多妻(制)the custom of having more than one wife at the same time


n.1.the custom of having more than one husband or wife at the same time in societies where this is legal

1.一夫多妻制 polyandry 一妻多夫制 polygamy 一夫多妻制 pornographer 制作色情作品的人 ...

2.多配偶制 polyangular( 多角的), polygamy( 多偶制) piangle( 三角形), ...

4.复婚制 polyespous 多次动情 polygamy 复婚制 polygene theory 多基因学说 ...

5.一妻多夫 amalgamation n. 合并,混合,联合 [联] polygamy n. 一夫多妻, 一妻多夫 bigamy n. 重婚, 重婚罪 ...


1.Utah was all Mormon, except for the Indians, and the U. S. wouldn't make it a state because of polygamy.犹他州之前除了印地安人外,都是摩门教徒,而且美国以前因为一夫多妻制不准许犹他州设州。

2.The exact number of the marriage partners was not always specified, as various forms of polygamy were permitted in some cultures.当各种类型的多配偶婚姻在某些国家得到法律承认之时,婚姻伴侣的确切数目总未有规定。

3.Under Islam, polygamy is allowed but only if the husband is able to peat all his wives equally.伊斯兰教义允许一夫多妻制存在,但只有当丈夫能够平等地对待他所有妻子。

4.But the church officially rejected polygamy in eighteen fifty, the same year polygamy became illegal across the United States.但教会正式拒绝了十八个第五十一夫多妻制,同年一夫多妻制成为横跨美国是非法的。

5.Aren't our values better than those of the 'primitive' societies that practice slavery, cannibapsm, and polygamy?我们的价值观难道不比那些实践奴隶制度、食人俗和一夫多妻制的“原始”社会所奉行的价值观更好吗?

6.At least in the recent past, the French authorities turned a bpnd eye to polygamy among north African migrants.至少不久之前,法国的北非移民还可以一夫多妻或一妻多夫,政府对此则是睁一眼闭一眼。

7.Mormons were hounded out of the Eastern states, and persecuted in the West until they abandoned polygamy.摩门教徒(Mormons)从东部各州被赶出,直到放弃多配偶制以前,他们在西部一直遭受迫害。

8.During Taylor's presidency, the U. S. government intensified its campaign against polygamy.整个泰勒任期内,美国政府加强了对一夫多妻制的打击力度。

9.Polygamy, according to the Court, clearly was subversive of good order and Congress could thus make the practice a crime.根据法院的意见,一夫多妻制明显破坏了良好秩序,因此国会能够将这种行为定为犯罪。

10.He suggested family patterns, including polygamy and absent fathers, were a factor.他认为包括一夫多妻或者无父亲的单亲家庭等家庭模式是原因之一。