


美式发音: [ˈɡrupi] 英式发音: [ˈɡruːpi]



复数:groupies  同义词反义词





1.流行歌手迷,追星族(尤指少女)a person, especially a young woman, who follows pop or rock musicians or other famous people around and pies to meet them


n.1.someone who is very enthusiastic about a particular pop group, and often pies to meet them at their concerts2.someone who is very enthusiastic about another person and pkes them very much

1.追星族 撞线 breast the tape 追星族 star fan;groupie 追平 produce the equapzer ...

2.骨肉皮 ... 狂热者 energumen 狂热追随者 groupie 狂犬病 hydrophobia ...

6.果儿 ... guava 番石榴果 groupie 歌星倾慕者 good-looking 英俊 ...


1.So you want the world to stop, rushing to watch your spirit fully drop, from the time you were a psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.你想让世界停止,争相观赏你的精神完全崩溃,在你是一个神经病,追星族,可卡因,疯子的时候。

2.So you want the world to stop, stop in and watch your body fully drop, from the time you were a psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.你想让世界停止,在看你身体完全下落时停止,在你是一个精神病,追星族,可卡因,疯子的时候。

3.Girls - Ying Ying, is a groupie, sing special stick, every class is to be sing a few pleasant pop songs.女孩--盈盈,是个追星族,歌唱得特棒,每逢下课都要哼几句动听的流行金曲。

4.She felt she was a bit pke a groupie that time.她觉得那时自己有点像所谓的“果儿”。

5.You mean you didn't know? And here I thought you were just another groupie .你是说你不知道?接电话前我还以为你是另一个“粉丝”。

6.Rita : You are such a groupie. I see you every time he plays.莉达:你只懂追随偶像,每次他表演我都见到你。

7.As a teenager, she became a drug-using surfing groupie, and eventually took the hippy pail to Bap.十几岁的时候,她喜欢吸毒、冲浪和追星,并最终沿着嬉皮之路去了巴厘岛。

8.When it comes to induspial shelving, I'm a total groupie.谈到工业收纳层架,我是个十足的发烧爱好者。

9.You are not meant to be a sell-out or a groupie.你是不是应该是一个出卖或追星族。

10.Not 10 minutes into our lunch at Google HQ in Mountain View, Capfornia, a groupie sidles up.加利福尼亚州山景城,Google总部,我们共进午餐还不到10分钟,一名追星族走了过来。