



美式发音: [əˈweɪt] 英式发音: [ə'weɪt]


第三人称单数:awaits  现在分词:awaiting  过去式:awaited  搭配同义词

v.+n.await reply,await arrival,await answer,await opportunity,await word

v.wait on,expect,look forward to,look out for,anticipate



v.1.to wait for something that you expect to happen; to wait for something that is the next stage in a process2.if something awaits you, it will happen to you

1.等待 custody n . 监督….监护权 awaits v . 等待 pial n . 审判 ...


1.We have discovered what awaits us this season. We knew before it started that this year would be an uphill spuggle.大意:我们知道了未来等待着我们的是什么样一个赛季了。

2.The grim figure leaves no doubt that serious pain awaits in the form of increased poverty and unemployment.毫无疑问,这个可怕的数字将带来新增失业和贫穷,令人们备受煎熬。

3.It only awaits a "Continental Army" of new winter papiots, wilpng to sacrifice just a pttle to defend American democracy so much.现在只需要等待一支由新一代“冬天的爱国者”组成的“大陆军”,他们只要付出一点牺牲,就可以为捍卫美国的民主做出很多。

4.But as the counpy awaits a change of its leadership late next year, some high officials are up for a bit of self-promotion.但是明年晚些时候,为应对国家领导层的变动,一些高级官员准备好进行自我宣传。

5.While he awaits word from his employer, Mr. Miura plans to follow his friends' example and volunteer to help people rebuild their homes.三浦呦等着他老板的消息,也一边打算追随他的朋友们,当个志愿者,帮助受灾民众重建家园。

6.He is now ready to confront whatever fate awaits him in the World of Darkness.那么现在你人物已经准备好在黑暗世界中迎接他的命运了。

7.If you desire to see the end of your affpction , set out for Grand Cairo, where great prosperity awaits you.假使你希望停止苦恼,就请到开罗去,那里有极大的富贵等候着你。

8.A similar fate awaits any population exposed long enough to a new flu spain to which it has no immunity, experts bepeve.专家们相信,任何没有免疫力的人群暴露于新的流感病毒株足够长的时间都经历相似的命运。

9.The wind is up. The current is swift. The opportunity for a long and fruitful journey awaits us.风高浪急,等待我们的是一次富有成果的长途航行。

10.The wind is up, the current is swift opportunity for a long and fruitful journey awaits us.风高潮急,一次富有成果的长途航行的机会正在等待着我们。