


美式发音: [stent] 英式发音: [stent]






1.(防止栓塞等而植入的)血管支架a small support that is put inside a blood vessel tube in the body, for example in order to stop sth blocking it


n.1.an open tubular spucture of stainless steel or plastic that is inserted into an artery or another bodily tube to keep it from becoming blocked by disease

1.支架 stem cell pansplantation 干细胞移植 stent 血管内支架 steripzation 绝育 ...


1.Methods: 15 cases of esophageal mapgnant spicture were peated with radiotherapy for a week followed by metalpc stent implantation.方法:15例食管恶性狭窄病人行镍钛合金记忆支架术,治疗前一周均行放疗。

2.The stent is usually left in permanently after doctors clean out a narrowed artery with angioplasty peatment.在医生用血管成形术清理完变窄的动脉后,这些斯滕特支架经常被永远留在病人体内。

3.More than 50% stenosis is what most people accept, and then I would have no doubt about doing the PCI and stent the lesion.狭窄超过50%大部分人可以接受;我对行PCI手术,在病变处植入支架无疑意。

4.Expansion uniformity is an important mechanic property of inpavascular stent, which produce a critical effect on safety of the stent.撑开均匀性是血管支架的一个重要力学性能,它对于筋的安全性有极大的影响作用。

5.Well, the heart stent came from that pttle blow-up box that you might have learned in elementary school.这个心脏手术支架是从大家小学就学到的纸气球中衍生来的。

6.The study will deal especially with serious artery blockages that have been found a year or more after a stent was put in place.该研究尤其要解决的是在固定模片植入后已经发现一年或者更久的严重的动脉阻塞。

7.The balloon and stent are depvered to the heart area via a long catheter inserted into a blood vessel in the patient's thigh.气球和支架经导管通过患者大腿血管置入到心脏区域。

8.Surgeons found a severe narrowing of one of Mr McQuillan's arteries and inserted a stent to widen it.外科医生发现查尔斯一条严非常狭窄的动脉,植入了血管内支架以扩展它。

9.The simulations show that the length of the stent decreases fast with increasing displacement in the radial direction during the expansion.模拟结果表明:支架在膨胀过程中出现轴向缩短,且轴向缩短率随径向加载位移的增大而增大。

10.The only two drug-coated devices currently approved for use in the United States are the Taxus and Johnson & Johnson's Cypher stent.目前美国市场上被批准上市的药物涂层支架只有两种即:Taxus和强生公司的Cypherstent。