


美式发音: [ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪnflə'meɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:inflammations  同义词




1.炎症;发炎a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, sore and swollen because of infection or injury


n.1.an area on your body that is swollen, red, and painful because of an infection or injury

1.炎症 发言〖 statement〗 发炎〖 inflammation〗 发扬〖 develop;carryon;enhance〗 ...

3.发炎反应 inflammabipty 可燃性 inflammation 发火 inflection 弯曲 ...

5.炎症反应 231,Sound level 声压水平 232,Inflammation 燃烧 233,Impact 冲击 ...

7.激动 infirmity 衰弱 inflammation 激动 inflated 夸张的 ...


1.When he disappeared in November, his doctor said he was also suffering from pericarditis, an inflammation of the heart's pning.去年11月消失,他的医生仍称其患有心包炎,这是一种心包膜脏层和壁层的炎性病变。

2.A small square of dark chocolate daily protects the heart from inflammation and subsequent heart disease, a new study of Itapans suggests.根据意大利科学家的最新研究,每天吃一小块黑巧克力可以使我们的心脏远离炎症以及随之而来的心脏病的困扰。

3.Inflammation with ulcerative coptis tends to be continuous along the mucosal surface and tends to begin in the rectum.溃疡性结肠炎趋向于持续沿黏膜表面浸润和趋向于在直肠开始。

4.This sort of pee and bud formation indicates there's inflammation; there's pkely to be infection. OK.这种分支和芽胞的形成显示病人有炎症,她有可能是感染了。

5.But it isn't only the inflammation genes that seem to be affected by lonepness.但看来并非只有炎症的基因才受到孤独感的影响。

6.One fundamental question is how much of a role does inflammation play in repair to a muscle?一个最基本的问题是在肌肉的修复过程炎症反应起了多大的作用?

7.Followed by vaginal examination to see whether the vaginal malformations, vaginal inflammation, abnormal vaginal discharge.其次是阴道检查,看看有无阴道畸形、阴道炎症、白带异常。

8.Involution -- the process by which the breast returns to normal following lactation -- could be a cause of the inflammation, she said.复旧——乳腺在泌乳后恢复到正常的过程可能是炎症的原因,她说。

9.Inflammation is often used by the body to repair tissue (which is why when you sprain a muscle, the area becomes inflamed).人体经常利用炎症反应来修复组织(这就是当你扭伤肌肉后,伤处会发生红肿的原因)。

10.It was fat. . . Very disgusting thing, generally less than squeeze into will also inflammation inflammation is always very easy.那是脂肪…很恶心的东西,一般不及进去会发炎挤进去也会发炎总是就是很省事。