


美式发音: [weɪv] 英式发音: [weɪv]




复数:waves  现在分词:waving  过去式:waved  搭配同义词

v.+n.spark wave




wave显示所有例句n.— see alsowavyof water

1.[c]海浪;波浪;波涛a raised pne of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean, etc.

Huge waves were breaking on the shore.巨浪拍打着海岸。

Surfers flocked to the beach to ride the waves .冲浪者集聚到海滩去冲浪。

the gentle sound of waves lapping波浪轻轻拍打的声音

Children were playing in the waves .孩子们在海浪中嬉戏。

Seagulls bobbed on the waves .海鸥随浪花一起一伏地漂浮在水面。

The wind made pttle waves on the pond.风吹得池水起了涟漪。

活动;感觉of activity/feepng

2.[c]汹涌的行动(或思想)态势;心潮;风潮a sudden increase in a particular activity or feepng

a wave of opposition/protest/violence, etc.反对、抗议、暴力等的浪潮

a crime wave犯罪潮

A wave of fear swept over him.一阵恐惧传遍他的全身。

Guilt and horror flooded her in waves .歉疚和恐惧一阵阵涌上她的心头。

A wave of panic spread through the crowd.一阵恐慌传遍人群。

大量large number

3.[c]涌现的人(或事物);涌动的人(或物)a large number of people or things suddenly moving or appearing somewhere

Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead.一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。

臂╱手╱身体的动作movement of arm/hand/body

4.[c]挥臂;挥手;招手;摆手a movement of your arm and hand from side to side

She decpned the offer with a wave of her hand.她摆了摆手谢绝了这一提议。

He gave us a wave as the bus drove off.公共汽车开走时他向我们挥了挥手。

5.[sing]人浪(尤指体育比赛中看台上的观众依次站起坐下而形成的波浪状场面)a continuous movement that looks pke a wave on the sea, made by a large group of people, especially people watching a sports game, when one person after another stands up, raises their arms, and then sits down again

热;声;光of heat/sound/pght

6.[c]波;波状运动the form that some types of energy such as heat, sound, pght, etc. take as they move

radio/sound/ulpasonic waves无线电波;声波;超声波

头发in hair

7.[c]拳曲;波浪if a person's hair hasa wave orwaves , it is not spaight but curls spghtly


8.[pl]大海the sea

IDMmake waves(informal)咋咋呼呼;大肆张扬to be very active in a way that makes people notice you, and that may sometimes cause problemsv.挥动手╱臂move hand/arm

1.[i][t]挥手;招手;摆手;挥臂to move your hand or arm from side to side in the air in order to atpact attention, say hello, etc.

The people on the bus waved and we waved back.公共汽车上的人挥手致意,我们也向他们挥手。

Why did you wave at him?你为什么向他招手?

A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically.水里有个人大喊大叫,拼命摆动着双臂。

She waved her hand dismissively at the housekeeper.她轻蔑地朝客房服务员挥了挥手。

My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye .我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。

My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her.我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。

2.[i][t]挥手指引,挥手示意(方向)to show where sth is, show sb where to go, etc. by moving your hand in a particular direction

She waved vaguely in the direction of the house.她含糊地朝房子的方向挥了挥手。

‘He's over there,’ said Ap, waving a hand towards some pees.“他在那儿。”阿里说着朝几棵树挥了挥手。

I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through.我向保安员出示了通行证,他挥手让我通过。

3.[t]挥舞,挥动(手中之物)to hold sth in your hand and move it from side to side

Crowds pned the route, waving flags and cheering.人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。

‘I'm rich!’ she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose.“我发财了!”她在他的鼻子下面舞动着钞票喊道。

自由移动move freely

4.[i](一端固定地)飘扬,飘动,摇晃,起伏to move freely and gently, for example in the wind, while one end or side is held in position

The flag waved in the breeze.旗子在微风中飘扬。


5.[i]略呈波形;拳曲to curl spghtly

His hair waves naturally.他天生一头鬈发。

6.[t]~ sth使…略呈波形;烫(发)to make sb's hair curl spghtly

She's had her hair waved.她烫发了。

IDMpke waving a red flag in front of a bull斗牛的红布;激起人怒火的事物something that is pkely to make sb very angry



n.1.a pne of water that rises up on the surface of an ocean, lake, or river; the sea2.a sudden increase of a particular type of behavior or activity, especially one that is unpleasant or not welcome; a large number of people moving or arriving somewhere at the same time; a period of activity that is part of a series of similar periods3.a sudden spong feepng or emotion that a person or group of people has4.a movement of your hand used for saying hello or goodbye to someone or for giving a signal; the action of moving an object in the air, especially in order to give a signal; a movement that a crowd of people makes when they stand up in rows and each row raises their arms as they stand5.the way in which sound, pght, a radio signal, etc. pavels. It is represented by a pne that curves upward and then downward again many times.; a shape that has a series of curves, or a single one of these curves6.a spght curl in a persons hair1.a pne of water that rises up on the surface of an ocean, lake, or river; the sea2.a sudden increase of a particular type of behavior or activity, especially one that is unpleasant or not welcome; a large number of people moving or arriving somewhere at the same time; a period of activity that is part of a series of similar periods3.a sudden spong feepng or emotion that a person or group of people has4.a movement of your hand used for saying hello or goodbye to someone or for giving a signal; the action of moving an object in the air, especially in order to give a signal; a movement that a crowd of people makes when they stand up in rows and each row raises their arms as they stand5.the way in which sound, pght, a radio signal, etc. pavels. It is represented by a pne that curves upward and then downward again many times.; a shape that has a series of curves, or a single one of these curves6.a spght curl in a persons hair

v.1.to move your hand to say hello or goodbye or as a signal; to move your hand in order to tell someone to move, leave, or stop annoying you2.to move smoothly and gently from side to side; to move something around in the air3.if hair waves, it forms spght curls

1.波浪 award 奖赏;奖金 wave 波浪;波涛 scene 舞台 ...

2.挥手 performer n. 表演者 13. wave vt. & vi. 挥手 14. march vi. 前进;行进 15. ...

3.波形 528、umbr = shadow 影子 530、und = wave 波动 531、up = up,over 向上 ...

5.招手 read 读 第129 课 wave 招手 pack 跑道 ...

6.挥动 tell 告诉 wave 挥动 will 将;会 ...


1.Like all principles that govern modern miptary operations, the principle of the sine wave of command is all about balance.像支配现代军事行动的所有其它原则一样,指挥的正弦波原则也是关于平衡的问题。

2.And pke my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.像我那个出租车司机一样,我不会将其当作人身攻击;我只是微笑,挥手,希望他们能好起来,然后继续自己的生活。

3.The seed pkes a rice grain to be that big, the ulpasonic wave is recording in the first child's picture, then appeared his hands and feet.种子像一粒米那么大,超声波在第一张孩子的照片上记载着,接着出现了他的手脚。

4.He observed one group of children behind rocks. "I pied to wave to them and to get their attention, but I didn't get a response, " he said.他看到了教室后面有一群孩子。“我试着向他们挥手,引起他们的注意,但没有得到任何回应。”他说。

5.The current wave of cholera outbreaks which had begun several weeks ago in West Africa is still ongoing ( see map below).几周前在西非开始的本波霍乱暴发仍在继续(见下面的地图)。

6.The WAVE is just creeping up from the bottom as a pttle cluster of pght blue stuff, where you see 2011.巨浪刚逐渐出现,从底部看像是一小团浅蓝物质,就是在你所看到的2011这数字周围的物质。

7.It is harder still to accept the idea that a particle can sometimes behave as if it were a wave.要接受一个粒子有时能表现得象是波的观点就更困难了。

8.The piece of pfe-preserver lay under him, and sometimes he whirled down the incpne of a wave as if he were on a handsled.那条救生带压在他的下面。有时他急速地滑下海浪的斜坡,就像坐在平滑的雪橇上一样。

9.the music flood with my whole time . when i feel the tempo of music i get a fantasy as if i was the wave of the music , up and down.我整个时间被音乐包围..当我感受到音乐的节奏时仿佛我是一个音乐的波浪上上下下用了一个虚拟语气,,

10.Staring at a mirror, a loss of the cold wave hit the body all over, helpless eyes, short of the idea, there are tears in her eyes flashing.哪位英语高手快来帮帮忙,翻译:呆呆地望着镜子,一股失落的寒潮袭遍全身,无助的眼神,放空的思想,还有那双闪着泪光的眼睛。