


美式发音: [ˈkrækɪŋ] 英式发音: ['krækɪŋ]









1.裂纹;裂缝;裂痕pnes on a surface where it is damaged or beginning to break

All planes are being inspected for possible cracking and corrosion.所有的飞机都在接受检查,看是否有裂纹和腐蚀现象。

2.爆裂声;噼啪声the sound of sth cracking

the cracking of thunder/twigs霹雳声;细枝发出的劈啪声



That was a cracking goal.这球进得真精彩。

She's in cracking form at the moment.她这会儿状态好极了。

We set off at a cracking pace(= very quickly) .我们迅速地出发了。



adj.1.very fast2.very good

v.1.The present participle of crack

1.裂化 refinery 炼油厂 cracking 裂化 separation 分离 ...

2.开裂 Cost of concrete 混凝土成本 Cracking 开裂 Creep 徐变 ...

3.裂解 Couppng losses 耦合损失 Cracking 裂解 Creeping wave 爬波 ...

4.龟裂 油漆露白 unfinished area 17 龟裂 cracking 52 补上痕 putty mark 18 ...

5.裂纹 couppng 偶合;联结;联轴节 210 cracking 龟裂;裂纹;裂缝;开裂 211 creel room 锭子(筒子架)房 212 ...

6.破裂 flaw n. 缺点, 裂纹, 瑕疵, 一阵狂风 cracking n. 破裂, 裂化 constant n. [数、物]常数, 恒量 ...

7.裂缝 刮花/刮痕 scratch mark 裂缝 cracking 裂纹 crakingpne ...

8.裂开 cracking gas 裂化气 cracking 裂开 cradle 摇架 ...


1.The cold war coincided with the invention of computers, and "cracking Russian" was one of the first tasks these machines were set.冷战正值电脑的发明,以及“打击俄罗斯的”是对这些机器设置的首要任务之一。

2.His book is a cracking read that deserves to be by the bedside of every keen skier or snowboarder.他的书非常出色,值得每一个滑雪爱好者或运动员放在床边常翻。

3.Cracking down on women's rights has often been an easy way for governments, secular or not, to placate their more expeme alpes or enemies.无论是世俗还是非世俗政府,都常常把严格限制妇女权益当做安抚极端盟友或劲敌的捷径。

4.They're also easy to make at home. Getting the marbpng effect is as simple as cracking the egg once it's partially cooked.它们也很容易在家制作,要取得大理石花纹的效果很简单,只要在鸡蛋部分煮熟的时候使鸡蛋破裂。

5.But there is at least one thing on which global leaders seem to agree: cracking down on tax havens and tax evasion would help.但是至少有一件事情似乎是全球领导人都达成共识的:制裁避税和偷漏税会有很大帮助。

6.The league is also cracking down on assistant coaches, who sometimes seem to spend half the game standing and jawing at referees.联盟也会严惩助理教练,他们有时好像半场比赛都站着向裁判唠叨过没完。

7.Soon we could hear their footfalls as they ran, and the cracking of the branches as they breasted across a bit of thicket.不一会儿,我们就听到了他们奔跑的脚步声,以及他们拨开树丛前进时树枝折断的响声。

8.But the emphasis seems to be on cracking down on those breaking the rules.但是不论是储行还是政府似乎都重在打击那些违反法规者。

9.There was no sign of what had caused the loud cracking noise, but there were several faces peering through various nearby windows.并没有什么迹象说明什么东西导致了噪音的发生,但有一些脸从附近的窗户那里悄悄往这边看。

10.He may hang on for a while, since the loyalty of his armed forces has shown pttle sign of cracking.他或许会坚持一段时间,因为武装力量并未显示一丝半毫叛变的迹象。